Hi Ravi,

Ravi Kumar Kulkarni wrote:
>  >>Yes, printf(), as you can see by looking at the source.  The serial 
> port and printf() support is one of the first things that is 
>  >>configured exactly to help debug via print statements.
>  >>If it isn't working on your board, you have more fundamental problems 
> (hardware initialization, serial port configuration,
>  >>serial port selection, who knows???).  Since we don't know anything 
> about your board, we cannot help further.

Please use plain text formatting, not HTML.  Your quoting will be more 
readable and it won't annoy us curmudgeons.

> Hi ! Now im being able to get print on the serial console. My board is 
> workin fine . its at91sam9261. the problem is something else. i have 
> written a driver  spi-new.c for the SPI interface using BUS 1 . now 
> though this driver is getting compiled  but its not getting executed 
> when my board boots up . i have modified the following to u-boot source 
> tree.
>  1) changed Makefile in /drivers/spi/ and added a line
> COBJS-$(CONFIG_ATMEL_SPI) +=spi-new.o
> 2) changed config file  in /include/configs/at91sam9261ek.h
>  added a line

I see you actually used "#define"

>  though my init function is getting executed in the board file located 
> at /board/atmel/at91sam9261ek/at91sam9261ek.c

OK, sounds like you succeeded.

> my driver code is not gettung executed when my board boots up.
>  can anyone let me  know where else to change to add a new driver in 
> u-boot so tat  ur board recognizes it.

Since you have succeeded in inserting your new driver in your u-boot 
image, it is available.  You need to browse the SPI 
functionality/framework in u-boot to figure out how to plug your new SPI 
driver into the existing code and how to use it.

The statement "my driver code is not gettung[sic] executed when my board 
boots up" is too vague for us to address.  What do you expect u-boot / 
your driver to do when it boots up (that it isn't already doing)?

> warm regards,
> Ravi Kulkarni.

Good luck,
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