>>Yes, printf(), as you can see by looking at the source.  The serial port
and printf() support is one of the first things that is >>configured exactly
to help debug via print statements.
>>If it isn't working on your board, you have more fundamental problems
(hardware initialization, serial port configuration,
>>serial port selection, who knows???).  Since we don't know anything about
your board, we cannot help further.

Hi ! Now im being able to get print on the serial console. My board is
workin fine . its at91sam9261. the problem is something else. i have written
a driver  spi-new.c for the SPI interface using BUS 1 . now though this
driver is getting compiled  but its not getting executed when my board boots
up . i have modified the following to u-boot source tree.
 1) changed Makefile in /drivers/spi/ and added a line
2) changed config file  in /include/configs/at91sam9261ek.h
 added a line
 though my init function is getting executed in the board file located at
my driver code is not gettung executed when my board boots up.
 can anyone let me  know where else to change to add a new driver in u-boot
so tat  ur board recognizes it.
warm regards,
Ravi Kulkarni.
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