On Fri, 16 Oct 2009 13:09:15 -0400
Mark Asselstine <mark.asselst...@windriver.com> wrote:

> The SheevaPlug DevKit is shipped with 4x8 by 1Gb DDR devices in
> two banks for a total of 512MB of RAM. Based on this configuration
> the existing values for SDRAM address control register are incorrect

> -DATA 0xFFD01410 0x00000099   #  DDR Address Control
> -# bit1-0:   01, Cs0width=x16
> -# bit3-2:   10, Cs0size=512Mb
> -# bit5-4:   01, Cs1width=x16
> -# bit7-6:   10, Cs1size=512Mb
> +DATA 0xFFD01410 0x000000cc   #  DDR Address Control
> +# bit1-0:   00, Cs0width=reserved
> +# bit3-2:   11, Cs0size=1Gb
> +# bit5-4:   00, Cs1width=reserved
> +# bit7-6:   11, Cs1size=1Gb

I did the same change for OpenRD before, and bit 1-0 and 5-4 are not
really reserved (it's fixed in a later version of the Marvell
documentation), so the comments should be

# bit1-0:   00, Cs0width=x8
# bit3-2:   11, Cs0size=1Gb
# bit5-4:   00, Cs1width=x8
# bit7-6:   11, Cs1size=1Gb

Nice catch!

// Simon
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