Mark Asselstine wrote:
> The SheevaPlug DevKit is shipped with 4x8 by 1Gb DDR devices in
> two banks for a total of 512MB of RAM. Based on this configuration
> the existing values for SDRAM address control register are incorrect
> and result in random kernel oops as memory is incorrectly accessed
> (while for example extracting a large tarball such as a rootfs).
> Based on the hardware configuration along with the supporting
> documentation from Marvell these are the correct values, as
> well this change mimics values previously used in Marvell's own
> u-boot git tree for the SheevaPlug.
> Other variants of the hardware such as the PogoPlug and TonidoPlug
> may have different memory configurations but to properly support
> those additional board directories should be maintained or a better
> system to support other kwb*.cfg is needed.
> Tested on SheevaPlug DevKit.

Mark and Prafulla
If this configuration is different from the what is already in use,
then the kwbimage.cfg can not be overwritten.

Reviewing the kwbimage.cfg file shows a lot of magic.
What would be a good way to generalize this ?

More versions of the file ?
Variable support in the file?
Other ideas ?


> Signed-off-by: Mark Asselstine <>
> ---
>  board/Marvell/sheevaplug/kwbimage.cfg |   10 +++++-----
>  1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/board/Marvell/sheevaplug/kwbimage.cfg 
> b/board/Marvell/sheevaplug/kwbimage.cfg
> index 6c47d62..61be8c2 100644
> --- a/board/Marvell/sheevaplug/kwbimage.cfg
> +++ b/board/Marvell/sheevaplug/kwbimage.cfg
> @@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ DATA 0xFFD0140C 0x00000a33        #  DDR Timing (High)
>  # bit12-11: TW2W
>  # bit31-13: zero required
> -DATA 0xFFD01410 0x00000099   #  DDR Address Control
> -# bit1-0:   01, Cs0width=x16
> -# bit3-2:   10, Cs0size=512Mb
> -# bit5-4:   01, Cs1width=x16
> -# bit7-6:   10, Cs1size=512Mb
> +DATA 0xFFD01410 0x000000cc   #  DDR Address Control
> +# bit1-0:   00, Cs0width=reserved
> +# bit3-2:   11, Cs0size=1Gb
> +# bit5-4:   00, Cs1width=reserved
> +# bit7-6:   11, Cs1size=1Gb
>  # bit9-8:   00, Cs2width=nonexistent
>  # bit11-10: 00, Cs2size =nonexistent
>  # bit13-12: 00, Cs3width=nonexistent

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