On Sep 23, 2009, at 4:00 PM, Tom wrote:

> Olof Johansson wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Sep 23, 2009, at 2:16 PM, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
>>> Dear Olof Johansson,
>>> In message <1d0f4997-6af4-4bc3-94c3-0817551db...@lixom.net> you  
>>> wrote:
>>> ...
>>>>> Use the omap gpio interface described in README.omap3
>>>> Seriously, this code is a 1:1 replica from the evm code. Obviously
>>>> that code was good enough to merge.
>>> Isn't this godd? It means that we learn from previous mistakes, and
>>> strive not to repeat them.
>> It's also a bit of "we're holding new contributors to higher  
>> standards than we hold ourselves", alternatively "we can merge  
>> crap, and when others use it as examples we'll make them clean it  
>> all up".
>> So, some of this is OK, I agree. That's why I did the whitespace  
>> cleanup yesterday. But I've reached my limit in this case.
>> Bottom line: I don't have more time to sink into this fairly  
>> trivial patch, I don't need to get it merged. I'll just carry it  
>> myself out of tree until I get bored enough to revisit it.
> Ugh. Sorry.

No worries. Either yours or Wolfgangs cleanup requests alone would  
have been fine with me, they just piled up :)

> I was just pointing out that there is a new gpio interface.
> I did not clean up all the omap3's when the interface was created
> and I do not expect you to do the same.  The problem is making big
> changes you can not test.
> I will make the gpio change as a followup after this is merged if you
> can test it for me.
> I do not have any other issues.
> This ok ?

Quite reasonable. I'm happy to help clean it up too, as I have time  
later if you haven't already done it by then.


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