Much of the cpu and interrupt code cannot be compiled on 64-bit x86. Move it
into its own directory and build it only in 32-bit mode.

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>

 arch/x86/cpu/Makefile                           |   6 +-
 arch/x86/cpu/cpu.c                              | 504 ----------------------
 arch/x86/cpu/i386/Makefile                      |   7 +
 arch/x86/cpu/i386/cpu.c                         | 534 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 arch/x86/cpu/{interrupts.c => i386/interrupt.c} |   4 -
 arch/x86/include/asm/mp.h                       |   3 +
 6 files changed, 549 insertions(+), 509 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 arch/x86/cpu/i386/Makefile
 create mode 100644 arch/x86/cpu/i386/cpu.c
 rename arch/x86/cpu/{interrupts.c => i386/interrupt.c} (99%)

diff --git a/arch/x86/cpu/Makefile b/arch/x86/cpu/Makefile
index 97b26b0..41ad481 100644
--- a/arch/x86/cpu/Makefile
+++ b/arch/x86/cpu/Makefile
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ else
 extra-y        = start.o
 extra-$(CONFIG_$(SPL_)X86_16BIT_INIT) += resetvec.o start16.o
-obj-y  += interrupts.o cpu.o cpu_x86.o call64.o setjmp.o
+obj-y  += cpu.o cpu_x86.o call64.o setjmp.o
 AFLAGS_REMOVE_call32.o := -mregparm=3 \
        $(if $(CONFIG_EFI_STUB_64BIT),-march=i386 -m32)
@@ -37,3 +37,7 @@ obj-y += mtrr.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_PCI) += pci.o
 obj-$(CONFIG_SMP) += sipi_vector.o
 obj-y += turbo.o
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_$(SPL_)X86_64),)
+obj-y += i386/
diff --git a/arch/x86/cpu/cpu.c b/arch/x86/cpu/cpu.c
index 7c1d6de..8fa6953 100644
--- a/arch/x86/cpu/cpu.c
+++ b/arch/x86/cpu/cpu.c
@@ -43,55 +43,6 @@
- * Constructor for a conventional segment GDT (or LDT) entry
- * This is a macro so it can be used in initialisers
- */
-#define GDT_ENTRY(flags, base, limit)                  \
-       ((((base)  & 0xff000000ULL) << (56-24)) |       \
-        (((flags) & 0x0000f0ffULL) << 40) |            \
-        (((limit) & 0x000f0000ULL) << (48-16)) |       \
-        (((base)  & 0x00ffffffULL) << 16) |            \
-        (((limit) & 0x0000ffffULL)))
-struct gdt_ptr {
-       u16 len;
-       u32 ptr;
-} __packed;
-struct cpu_device_id {
-       unsigned vendor;
-       unsigned device;
-struct cpuinfo_x86 {
-       uint8_t x86;            /* CPU family */
-       uint8_t x86_vendor;     /* CPU vendor */
-       uint8_t x86_model;
-       uint8_t x86_mask;
- * List of cpu vendor strings along with their normalized
- * id values.
- */
-static const struct {
-       int vendor;
-       const char *name;
-} x86_vendors[] = {
-       { X86_VENDOR_INTEL,     "GenuineIntel", },
-       { X86_VENDOR_CYRIX,     "CyrixInstead", },
-       { X86_VENDOR_AMD,       "AuthenticAMD", },
-       { X86_VENDOR_UMC,       "UMC UMC UMC ", },
-       { X86_VENDOR_NEXGEN,    "NexGenDriven", },
-       { X86_VENDOR_CENTAUR,   "CentaurHauls", },
-       { X86_VENDOR_RISE,      "RiseRiseRise", },
-       { X86_VENDOR_TRANSMETA, "GenuineTMx86", },
-       { X86_VENDOR_TRANSMETA, "TransmetaCPU", },
-       { X86_VENDOR_NSC,       "Geode by NSC", },
-       { X86_VENDOR_SIS,       "SiS SiS SiS ", },
 static const char *const x86_vendor_name[] = {
        [X86_VENDOR_INTEL]     = "Intel",
        [X86_VENDOR_CYRIX]     = "Cyrix",
@@ -105,100 +56,6 @@ static const char *const x86_vendor_name[] = {
        [X86_VENDOR_SIS]       = "SiS",
-static void load_ds(u32 segment)
-       asm volatile("movl %0, %%ds" : : "r" (segment * X86_GDT_ENTRY_SIZE));
-static void load_es(u32 segment)
-       asm volatile("movl %0, %%es" : : "r" (segment * X86_GDT_ENTRY_SIZE));
-static void load_fs(u32 segment)
-       asm volatile("movl %0, %%fs" : : "r" (segment * X86_GDT_ENTRY_SIZE));
-static void load_gs(u32 segment)
-       asm volatile("movl %0, %%gs" : : "r" (segment * X86_GDT_ENTRY_SIZE));
-static void load_ss(u32 segment)
-       asm volatile("movl %0, %%ss" : : "r" (segment * X86_GDT_ENTRY_SIZE));
-static void load_gdt(const u64 *boot_gdt, u16 num_entries)
-       struct gdt_ptr gdt;
-       gdt.len = (num_entries * X86_GDT_ENTRY_SIZE) - 1;
-       gdt.ptr = (ulong)boot_gdt;
-       asm volatile("lgdtl %0\n" : : "m" (gdt));
-void arch_setup_gd(gd_t *new_gd)
-       u64 *gdt_addr;
-       gdt_addr = new_gd->arch.gdt;
-       /*
-        * CS: code, read/execute, 4 GB, base 0
-        *
-        * Some OS (like VxWorks) requires GDT entry 1 to be the 32-bit CS
-        */
-       gdt_addr[X86_GDT_ENTRY_UNUSED] = GDT_ENTRY(0xc09b, 0, 0xfffff);
-       gdt_addr[X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_CS] = GDT_ENTRY(0xc09b, 0, 0xfffff);
-       /* DS: data, read/write, 4 GB, base 0 */
-       gdt_addr[X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS] = GDT_ENTRY(0xc093, 0, 0xfffff);
-       /* FS: data, read/write, 4 GB, base (Global Data Pointer) */
-       new_gd->arch.gd_addr = new_gd;
-       gdt_addr[X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_FS] = GDT_ENTRY(0xc093,
-                    (ulong)&new_gd->arch.gd_addr, 0xfffff);
-       /* 16-bit CS: code, read/execute, 64 kB, base 0 */
-       gdt_addr[X86_GDT_ENTRY_16BIT_CS] = GDT_ENTRY(0x009b, 0, 0x0ffff);
-       /* 16-bit DS: data, read/write, 64 kB, base 0 */
-       gdt_addr[X86_GDT_ENTRY_16BIT_DS] = GDT_ENTRY(0x0093, 0, 0x0ffff);
-       gdt_addr[X86_GDT_ENTRY_16BIT_FLAT_CS] = GDT_ENTRY(0x809b, 0, 0xfffff);
-       gdt_addr[X86_GDT_ENTRY_16BIT_FLAT_DS] = GDT_ENTRY(0x8093, 0, 0xfffff);
-       load_gdt(gdt_addr, X86_GDT_NUM_ENTRIES);
-       load_ds(X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS);
-       load_es(X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS);
-       load_gs(X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS);
-       load_ss(X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS);
-       load_fs(X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_FS);
- * Setup FSP execution environment GDT
- *
- * Per Intel FSP external architecture specification, before calling any FSP
- * APIs, we need make sure the system is in flat 32-bit mode and both the code
- * and data selectors should have full 4GB access range. Here we reuse the one
- * we used in arch/x86/cpu/start16.S, and reload the segement registers.
- */
-void setup_fsp_gdt(void)
-       load_gdt((const u64 *)(gdt_rom + CONFIG_RESET_SEG_START), 4);
-       load_ds(X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS);
-       load_ss(X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS);
-       load_es(X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS);
-       load_fs(X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS);
-       load_gs(X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS);
 int __weak x86_cleanup_before_linux(void)
@@ -209,241 +66,6 @@ int __weak x86_cleanup_before_linux(void)
        return 0;
- * Cyrix CPUs without cpuid or with cpuid not yet enabled can be detected
- * by the fact that they preserve the flags across the division of 5/2.
- * PII and PPro exhibit this behavior too, but they have cpuid available.
- */
- * Perform the Cyrix 5/2 test. A Cyrix won't change
- * the flags, while other 486 chips will.
- */
-static inline int test_cyrix_52div(void)
-       unsigned int test;
-       __asm__ __volatile__(
-            "sahf\n\t"         /* clear flags (%eax = 0x0005) */
-            "div %b2\n\t"      /* divide 5 by 2 */
-            "lahf"             /* store flags into %ah */
-            : "=a" (test)
-            : "0" (5), "q" (2)
-            : "cc");
-       /* AH is 0x02 on Cyrix after the divide.. */
-       return (unsigned char) (test >> 8) == 0x02;
- *     Detect a NexGen CPU running without BIOS hypercode new enough
- *     to have CPUID. (Thanks to Herbert Oppmann)
- */
-static int deep_magic_nexgen_probe(void)
-       int ret;
-       __asm__ __volatile__ (
-               "       movw    $0x5555, %%ax\n"
-               "       xorw    %%dx,%%dx\n"
-               "       movw    $2, %%cx\n"
-               "       divw    %%cx\n"
-               "       movl    $0, %%eax\n"
-               "       jnz     1f\n"
-               "       movl    $1, %%eax\n"
-               "1:\n"
-               : "=a" (ret) : : "cx", "dx");
-       return  ret;
-static bool has_cpuid(void)
-       return flag_is_changeable_p(X86_EFLAGS_ID);
-static bool has_mtrr(void)
-       return cpuid_edx(0x00000001) & (1 << 12) ? true : false;
-static int build_vendor_name(char *vendor_name)
-       struct cpuid_result result;
-       result = cpuid(0x00000000);
-       unsigned int *name_as_ints = (unsigned int *)vendor_name;
-       name_as_ints[0] = result.ebx;
-       name_as_ints[1] = result.edx;
-       name_as_ints[2] = result.ecx;
-       return result.eax;
-static void identify_cpu(struct cpu_device_id *cpu)
-       char vendor_name[16];
-       int i;
-       vendor_name[0] = '\0'; /* Unset */
-       cpu->device = 0; /* fix gcc 4.4.4 warning */
-       /* Find the id and vendor_name */
-       if (!has_cpuid()) {
-               /* Its a 486 if we can modify the AC flag */
-               if (flag_is_changeable_p(X86_EFLAGS_AC))
-                       cpu->device = 0x00000400; /* 486 */
-               else
-                       cpu->device = 0x00000300; /* 386 */
-               if ((cpu->device == 0x00000400) && test_cyrix_52div()) {
-                       memcpy(vendor_name, "CyrixInstead", 13);
-                       /* If we ever care we can enable cpuid here */
-               }
-               /* Detect NexGen with old hypercode */
-               else if (deep_magic_nexgen_probe())
-                       memcpy(vendor_name, "NexGenDriven", 13);
-       }
-       if (has_cpuid()) {
-               int  cpuid_level;
-               cpuid_level = build_vendor_name(vendor_name);
-               vendor_name[12] = '\0';
-               /* Intel-defined flags: level 0x00000001 */
-               if (cpuid_level >= 0x00000001) {
-                       cpu->device = cpuid_eax(0x00000001);
-               } else {
-                       /* Have CPUID level 0 only unheard of */
-                       cpu->device = 0x00000400;
-               }
-       }
-       cpu->vendor = X86_VENDOR_UNKNOWN;
-       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(x86_vendors); i++) {
-               if (memcmp(vendor_name, x86_vendors[i].name, 12) == 0) {
-                       cpu->vendor = x86_vendors[i].vendor;
-                       break;
-               }
-       }
-static inline void get_fms(struct cpuinfo_x86 *c, uint32_t tfms)
-       c->x86 = (tfms >> 8) & 0xf;
-       c->x86_model = (tfms >> 4) & 0xf;
-       c->x86_mask = tfms & 0xf;
-       if (c->x86 == 0xf)
-               c->x86 += (tfms >> 20) & 0xff;
-       if (c->x86 >= 0x6)
-               c->x86_model += ((tfms >> 16) & 0xF) << 4;
-u32 cpu_get_family_model(void)
-       return gd->arch.x86_device & 0x0fff0ff0;
-u32 cpu_get_stepping(void)
-       return gd->arch.x86_mask;
-int x86_cpu_init_f(void)
-       const u32 em_rst = ~X86_CR0_EM;
-       const u32 mp_ne_set = X86_CR0_MP | X86_CR0_NE;
-       if (ll_boot_init()) {
-               /* initialize FPU, reset EM, set MP and NE */
-               asm ("fninit\n" \
-               "movl %%cr0, %%eax\n" \
-               "andl %0, %%eax\n" \
-               "orl  %1, %%eax\n" \
-               "movl %%eax, %%cr0\n" \
-               : : "i" (em_rst), "i" (mp_ne_set) : "eax");
-       }
-       /* identify CPU via cpuid and store the decoded info into gd->arch */
-       if (has_cpuid()) {
-               struct cpu_device_id cpu;
-               struct cpuinfo_x86 c;
-               identify_cpu(&cpu);
-               get_fms(&c, cpu.device);
-               gd->arch.x86 = c.x86;
-               gd->arch.x86_vendor = cpu.vendor;
-               gd->arch.x86_model = c.x86_model;
-               gd->arch.x86_mask = c.x86_mask;
-               gd->arch.x86_device = cpu.device;
-               gd->arch.has_mtrr = has_mtrr();
-       }
-       /* Don't allow PCI region 3 to use memory in the 2-4GB memory hole */
-       gd->pci_ram_top = 0x80000000U;
-       /* Configure fixed range MTRRs for some legacy regions */
-       if (gd->arch.has_mtrr) {
-               u64 mtrr_cap;
-               mtrr_cap = native_read_msr(MTRR_CAP_MSR);
-               if (mtrr_cap & MTRR_CAP_FIX) {
-                       /* Mark the VGA RAM area as uncacheable */
-                       native_write_msr(MTRR_FIX_16K_A0000_MSR,
-                                        MTRR_FIX_TYPE(MTRR_TYPE_UNCACHEABLE),
-                                        MTRR_FIX_TYPE(MTRR_TYPE_UNCACHEABLE));
-                       /*
-                        * Mark the PCI ROM area as cacheable to improve ROM
-                        * execution performance.
-                        */
-                       native_write_msr(MTRR_FIX_4K_C0000_MSR,
-                                        MTRR_FIX_TYPE(MTRR_TYPE_WRBACK),
-                                        MTRR_FIX_TYPE(MTRR_TYPE_WRBACK));
-                       native_write_msr(MTRR_FIX_4K_C8000_MSR,
-                                        MTRR_FIX_TYPE(MTRR_TYPE_WRBACK),
-                                        MTRR_FIX_TYPE(MTRR_TYPE_WRBACK));
-                       native_write_msr(MTRR_FIX_4K_D0000_MSR,
-                                        MTRR_FIX_TYPE(MTRR_TYPE_WRBACK),
-                                        MTRR_FIX_TYPE(MTRR_TYPE_WRBACK));
-                       native_write_msr(MTRR_FIX_4K_D8000_MSR,
-                                        MTRR_FIX_TYPE(MTRR_TYPE_WRBACK),
-                                        MTRR_FIX_TYPE(MTRR_TYPE_WRBACK));
-                       /* Enable the fixed range MTRRs */
-                       msr_setbits_64(MTRR_DEF_TYPE_MSR, MTRR_DEF_TYPE_FIX_EN);
-               }
-       }
-#ifdef CONFIG_I8254_TIMER
-       /* Set up the i8254 timer if required */
-       i8254_init();
-       return 0;
-void x86_enable_caches(void)
-       unsigned long cr0;
-       cr0 = read_cr0();
-       cr0 &= ~(X86_CR0_NW | X86_CR0_CD);
-       write_cr0(cr0);
-       wbinvd();
-void enable_caches(void) __attribute__((weak, alias("x86_enable_caches")));
-void x86_disable_caches(void)
-       unsigned long cr0;
-       cr0 = read_cr0();
-       cr0 |= X86_CR0_NW | X86_CR0_CD;
-       wbinvd();
-       write_cr0(cr0);
-       wbinvd();
-void disable_caches(void) __attribute__((weak, alias("x86_disable_caches")));
 int x86_init_cache(void)
@@ -483,11 +105,6 @@ void x86_full_reset(void)
-int dcache_status(void)
-       return !(read_cr0() & X86_CR0_CD);
 /* Define these functions to allow ehch-hcd to function */
 void flush_dcache_range(unsigned long start, unsigned long stop)
@@ -520,57 +137,6 @@ int icache_status(void)
        return 1;
-void cpu_enable_paging_pae(ulong cr3)
-       __asm__ __volatile__(
-               /* Load the page table address */
-               "movl   %0, %%cr3\n"
-               /* Enable pae */
-               "movl   %%cr4, %%eax\n"
-               "orl    $0x00000020, %%eax\n"
-               "movl   %%eax, %%cr4\n"
-               /* Enable paging */
-               "movl   %%cr0, %%eax\n"
-               "orl    $0x80000000, %%eax\n"
-               "movl   %%eax, %%cr0\n"
-               :
-               : "r" (cr3)
-               : "eax");
-void cpu_disable_paging_pae(void)
-       /* Turn off paging */
-       __asm__ __volatile__ (
-               /* Disable paging */
-               "movl   %%cr0, %%eax\n"
-               "andl   $0x7fffffff, %%eax\n"
-               "movl   %%eax, %%cr0\n"
-               /* Disable pae */
-               "movl   %%cr4, %%eax\n"
-               "andl   $0xffffffdf, %%eax\n"
-               "movl   %%eax, %%cr4\n"
-               :
-               :
-               : "eax");
-static bool can_detect_long_mode(void)
-       return cpuid_eax(0x80000000) > 0x80000000UL;
-static bool has_long_mode(void)
-       return cpuid_edx(0x80000001) & (1 << 29) ? true : false;
-int cpu_has_64bit(void)
-       return has_cpuid() && can_detect_long_mode() &&
-               has_long_mode();
 const char *cpu_vendor_name(int vendor)
        const char *name;
@@ -616,46 +182,6 @@ int default_print_cpuinfo(void)
        return 0;
-#define PAGETABLE_SIZE         (6 * 4096)
- * build_pagetable() - build a flat 4GiB page table structure for 64-bti mode
- *
- * @pgtable: Pointer to a 24iKB block of memory
- */
-static void build_pagetable(uint32_t *pgtable)
-       uint i;
-       memset(pgtable, '\0', PAGETABLE_SIZE);
-       /* Level 4 needs a single entry */
-       pgtable[0] = (ulong)&pgtable[1024] + 7;
-       /* Level 3 has one 64-bit entry for each GiB of memory */
-       for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
-               pgtable[1024 + i * 2] = (ulong)&pgtable[2048] + 0x1000 * i + 7;
-       /* Level 2 has 2048 64-bit entries, each repesenting 2MiB */
-       for (i = 0; i < 2048; i++)
-               pgtable[2048 + i * 2] = 0x183 + (i << 21UL);
-int cpu_jump_to_64bit(ulong setup_base, ulong target)
-       uint32_t *pgtable;
-       pgtable = memalign(4096, PAGETABLE_SIZE);
-       if (!pgtable)
-               return -ENOMEM;
-       build_pagetable(pgtable);
-       cpu_call64((ulong)pgtable, setup_base, target);
-       free(pgtable);
-       return -EFAULT;
 void show_boot_progress(int val)
        outb(val, POST_PORT);
@@ -680,36 +206,6 @@ int last_stage_init(void)
-#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-static int enable_smis(struct udevice *cpu, void *unused)
-       return 0;
-static struct mp_flight_record mp_steps[] = {
-       MP_FR_BLOCK_APS(mp_init_cpu, NULL, mp_init_cpu, NULL),
-       /* Wait for APs to finish initialization before proceeding */
-       MP_FR_BLOCK_APS(NULL, NULL, enable_smis, NULL),
-static int x86_mp_init(void)
-       struct mp_params mp_params;
-       mp_params.parallel_microcode_load = 0,
-       mp_params.flight_plan = &mp_steps[0];
-       mp_params.num_records = ARRAY_SIZE(mp_steps);
-       mp_params.microcode_pointer = 0;
-       if (mp_init(&mp_params)) {
-               printf("Warning: MP init failure\n");
-               return -EIO;
-       }
-       return 0;
 static int x86_init_cpus(void)
 #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
diff --git a/arch/x86/cpu/i386/Makefile b/arch/x86/cpu/i386/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d336495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/cpu/i386/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# (C) Copyright 2016 Google, Inc
+# Written by Simon Glass <>
+obj-y += cpu.o
+obj-y += interrupt.o
diff --git a/arch/x86/cpu/i386/cpu.c b/arch/x86/cpu/i386/cpu.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09a5b91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/cpu/i386/cpu.c
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2008-2011
+ * Graeme Russ, <>
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2002
+ * Daniel Engström, Omicron Ceti AB, <>
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2002
+ * Sysgo Real-Time Solutions, GmbH <>
+ * Marius Groeger <>
+ *
+ * (C) Copyright 2002
+ * Sysgo Real-Time Solutions, GmbH <>
+ * Alex Zuepke <>
+ *
+ * Part of this file is adapted from coreboot
+ * src/arch/x86/lib/cpu.c
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier:    GPL-2.0+
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <asm/control_regs.h>
+#include <asm/cpu.h>
+#include <asm/mp.h>
+#include <asm/msr.h>
+#include <asm/mtrr.h>
+#include <asm/processor-flags.h>
+ * Constructor for a conventional segment GDT (or LDT) entry
+ * This is a macro so it can be used in initialisers
+ */
+#define GDT_ENTRY(flags, base, limit)                  \
+       ((((base)  & 0xff000000ULL) << (56-24)) |       \
+        (((flags) & 0x0000f0ffULL) << 40) |            \
+        (((limit) & 0x000f0000ULL) << (48-16)) |       \
+        (((base)  & 0x00ffffffULL) << 16) |            \
+        (((limit) & 0x0000ffffULL)))
+struct gdt_ptr {
+       u16 len;
+       u32 ptr;
+} __packed;
+struct cpu_device_id {
+       unsigned vendor;
+       unsigned device;
+struct cpuinfo_x86 {
+       uint8_t x86;            /* CPU family */
+       uint8_t x86_vendor;     /* CPU vendor */
+       uint8_t x86_model;
+       uint8_t x86_mask;
+ * List of cpu vendor strings along with their normalized
+ * id values.
+ */
+static const struct {
+       int vendor;
+       const char *name;
+} x86_vendors[] = {
+       { X86_VENDOR_INTEL,     "GenuineIntel", },
+       { X86_VENDOR_CYRIX,     "CyrixInstead", },
+       { X86_VENDOR_AMD,       "AuthenticAMD", },
+       { X86_VENDOR_UMC,       "UMC UMC UMC ", },
+       { X86_VENDOR_NEXGEN,    "NexGenDriven", },
+       { X86_VENDOR_CENTAUR,   "CentaurHauls", },
+       { X86_VENDOR_RISE,      "RiseRiseRise", },
+       { X86_VENDOR_TRANSMETA, "GenuineTMx86", },
+       { X86_VENDOR_TRANSMETA, "TransmetaCPU", },
+       { X86_VENDOR_NSC,       "Geode by NSC", },
+       { X86_VENDOR_SIS,       "SiS SiS SiS ", },
+static void load_ds(u32 segment)
+       asm volatile("movl %0, %%ds" : : "r" (segment * X86_GDT_ENTRY_SIZE));
+static void load_es(u32 segment)
+       asm volatile("movl %0, %%es" : : "r" (segment * X86_GDT_ENTRY_SIZE));
+static void load_fs(u32 segment)
+       asm volatile("movl %0, %%fs" : : "r" (segment * X86_GDT_ENTRY_SIZE));
+static void load_gs(u32 segment)
+       asm volatile("movl %0, %%gs" : : "r" (segment * X86_GDT_ENTRY_SIZE));
+static void load_ss(u32 segment)
+       asm volatile("movl %0, %%ss" : : "r" (segment * X86_GDT_ENTRY_SIZE));
+static void load_gdt(const u64 *boot_gdt, u16 num_entries)
+       struct gdt_ptr gdt;
+       gdt.len = (num_entries * X86_GDT_ENTRY_SIZE) - 1;
+       gdt.ptr = (ulong)boot_gdt;
+       asm volatile("lgdtl %0\n" : : "m" (gdt));
+void arch_setup_gd(gd_t *new_gd)
+       u64 *gdt_addr;
+       gdt_addr = new_gd->arch.gdt;
+       /*
+        * CS: code, read/execute, 4 GB, base 0
+        *
+        * Some OS (like VxWorks) requires GDT entry 1 to be the 32-bit CS
+        */
+       gdt_addr[X86_GDT_ENTRY_UNUSED] = GDT_ENTRY(0xc09b, 0, 0xfffff);
+       gdt_addr[X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_CS] = GDT_ENTRY(0xc09b, 0, 0xfffff);
+       /* DS: data, read/write, 4 GB, base 0 */
+       gdt_addr[X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS] = GDT_ENTRY(0xc093, 0, 0xfffff);
+       /* FS: data, read/write, 4 GB, base (Global Data Pointer) */
+       new_gd->arch.gd_addr = new_gd;
+       gdt_addr[X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_FS] = GDT_ENTRY(0xc093,
+                    (ulong)&new_gd->arch.gd_addr, 0xfffff);
+       /* 16-bit CS: code, read/execute, 64 kB, base 0 */
+       gdt_addr[X86_GDT_ENTRY_16BIT_CS] = GDT_ENTRY(0x009b, 0, 0x0ffff);
+       /* 16-bit DS: data, read/write, 64 kB, base 0 */
+       gdt_addr[X86_GDT_ENTRY_16BIT_DS] = GDT_ENTRY(0x0093, 0, 0x0ffff);
+       gdt_addr[X86_GDT_ENTRY_16BIT_FLAT_CS] = GDT_ENTRY(0x809b, 0, 0xfffff);
+       gdt_addr[X86_GDT_ENTRY_16BIT_FLAT_DS] = GDT_ENTRY(0x8093, 0, 0xfffff);
+       load_gdt(gdt_addr, X86_GDT_NUM_ENTRIES);
+       load_ds(X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS);
+       load_es(X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS);
+       load_gs(X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS);
+       load_ss(X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS);
+       load_fs(X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_FS);
+ * Setup FSP execution environment GDT
+ *
+ * Per Intel FSP external architecture specification, before calling any FSP
+ * APIs, we need make sure the system is in flat 32-bit mode and both the code
+ * and data selectors should have full 4GB access range. Here we reuse the one
+ * we used in arch/x86/cpu/start16.S, and reload the segement registers.
+ */
+void setup_fsp_gdt(void)
+       load_gdt((const u64 *)(gdt_rom + CONFIG_RESET_SEG_START), 4);
+       load_ds(X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS);
+       load_ss(X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS);
+       load_es(X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS);
+       load_fs(X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS);
+       load_gs(X86_GDT_ENTRY_32BIT_DS);
+ * Cyrix CPUs without cpuid or with cpuid not yet enabled can be detected
+ * by the fact that they preserve the flags across the division of 5/2.
+ * PII and PPro exhibit this behavior too, but they have cpuid available.
+ */
+ * Perform the Cyrix 5/2 test. A Cyrix won't change
+ * the flags, while other 486 chips will.
+ */
+static inline int test_cyrix_52div(void)
+       unsigned int test;
+       __asm__ __volatile__(
+            "sahf\n\t"         /* clear flags (%eax = 0x0005) */
+            "div %b2\n\t"      /* divide 5 by 2 */
+            "lahf"             /* store flags into %ah */
+            : "=a" (test)
+            : "0" (5), "q" (2)
+            : "cc");
+       /* AH is 0x02 on Cyrix after the divide.. */
+       return (unsigned char) (test >> 8) == 0x02;
+ *     Detect a NexGen CPU running without BIOS hypercode new enough
+ *     to have CPUID. (Thanks to Herbert Oppmann)
+ */
+static int deep_magic_nexgen_probe(void)
+       int ret;
+       __asm__ __volatile__ (
+               "       movw    $0x5555, %%ax\n"
+               "       xorw    %%dx,%%dx\n"
+               "       movw    $2, %%cx\n"
+               "       divw    %%cx\n"
+               "       movl    $0, %%eax\n"
+               "       jnz     1f\n"
+               "       movl    $1, %%eax\n"
+               "1:\n"
+               : "=a" (ret) : : "cx", "dx");
+       return  ret;
+static bool has_cpuid(void)
+       return flag_is_changeable_p(X86_EFLAGS_ID);
+static bool has_mtrr(void)
+       return cpuid_edx(0x00000001) & (1 << 12) ? true : false;
+static int build_vendor_name(char *vendor_name)
+       struct cpuid_result result;
+       result = cpuid(0x00000000);
+       unsigned int *name_as_ints = (unsigned int *)vendor_name;
+       name_as_ints[0] = result.ebx;
+       name_as_ints[1] = result.edx;
+       name_as_ints[2] = result.ecx;
+       return result.eax;
+static void identify_cpu(struct cpu_device_id *cpu)
+       char vendor_name[16];
+       int i;
+       vendor_name[0] = '\0'; /* Unset */
+       cpu->device = 0; /* fix gcc 4.4.4 warning */
+       /* Find the id and vendor_name */
+       if (!has_cpuid()) {
+               /* Its a 486 if we can modify the AC flag */
+               if (flag_is_changeable_p(X86_EFLAGS_AC))
+                       cpu->device = 0x00000400; /* 486 */
+               else
+                       cpu->device = 0x00000300; /* 386 */
+               if ((cpu->device == 0x00000400) && test_cyrix_52div()) {
+                       memcpy(vendor_name, "CyrixInstead", 13);
+                       /* If we ever care we can enable cpuid here */
+               }
+               /* Detect NexGen with old hypercode */
+               else if (deep_magic_nexgen_probe())
+                       memcpy(vendor_name, "NexGenDriven", 13);
+       }
+       if (has_cpuid()) {
+               int  cpuid_level;
+               cpuid_level = build_vendor_name(vendor_name);
+               vendor_name[12] = '\0';
+               /* Intel-defined flags: level 0x00000001 */
+               if (cpuid_level >= 0x00000001) {
+                       cpu->device = cpuid_eax(0x00000001);
+               } else {
+                       /* Have CPUID level 0 only unheard of */
+                       cpu->device = 0x00000400;
+               }
+       }
+       cpu->vendor = X86_VENDOR_UNKNOWN;
+       for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(x86_vendors); i++) {
+               if (memcmp(vendor_name, x86_vendors[i].name, 12) == 0) {
+                       cpu->vendor = x86_vendors[i].vendor;
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+static inline void get_fms(struct cpuinfo_x86 *c, uint32_t tfms)
+       c->x86 = (tfms >> 8) & 0xf;
+       c->x86_model = (tfms >> 4) & 0xf;
+       c->x86_mask = tfms & 0xf;
+       if (c->x86 == 0xf)
+               c->x86 += (tfms >> 20) & 0xff;
+       if (c->x86 >= 0x6)
+               c->x86_model += ((tfms >> 16) & 0xF) << 4;
+u32 cpu_get_family_model(void)
+       return gd->arch.x86_device & 0x0fff0ff0;
+u32 cpu_get_stepping(void)
+       return gd->arch.x86_mask;
+int x86_cpu_init_f(void)
+       const u32 em_rst = ~X86_CR0_EM;
+       const u32 mp_ne_set = X86_CR0_MP | X86_CR0_NE;
+       if (ll_boot_init()) {
+               /* initialize FPU, reset EM, set MP and NE */
+               asm ("fninit\n" \
+               "movl %%cr0, %%eax\n" \
+               "andl %0, %%eax\n" \
+               "orl  %1, %%eax\n" \
+               "movl %%eax, %%cr0\n" \
+               : : "i" (em_rst), "i" (mp_ne_set) : "eax");
+       }
+       /* identify CPU via cpuid and store the decoded info into gd->arch */
+       if (has_cpuid()) {
+               struct cpu_device_id cpu;
+               struct cpuinfo_x86 c;
+               identify_cpu(&cpu);
+               get_fms(&c, cpu.device);
+               gd->arch.x86 = c.x86;
+               gd->arch.x86_vendor = cpu.vendor;
+               gd->arch.x86_model = c.x86_model;
+               gd->arch.x86_mask = c.x86_mask;
+               gd->arch.x86_device = cpu.device;
+               gd->arch.has_mtrr = has_mtrr();
+       }
+       /* Don't allow PCI region 3 to use memory in the 2-4GB memory hole */
+       gd->pci_ram_top = 0x80000000U;
+       /* Configure fixed range MTRRs for some legacy regions */
+       if (gd->arch.has_mtrr) {
+               u64 mtrr_cap;
+               mtrr_cap = native_read_msr(MTRR_CAP_MSR);
+               if (mtrr_cap & MTRR_CAP_FIX) {
+                       /* Mark the VGA RAM area as uncacheable */
+                       native_write_msr(MTRR_FIX_16K_A0000_MSR,
+                                        MTRR_FIX_TYPE(MTRR_TYPE_UNCACHEABLE),
+                                        MTRR_FIX_TYPE(MTRR_TYPE_UNCACHEABLE));
+                       /*
+                        * Mark the PCI ROM area as cacheable to improve ROM
+                        * execution performance.
+                        */
+                       native_write_msr(MTRR_FIX_4K_C0000_MSR,
+                                        MTRR_FIX_TYPE(MTRR_TYPE_WRBACK),
+                                        MTRR_FIX_TYPE(MTRR_TYPE_WRBACK));
+                       native_write_msr(MTRR_FIX_4K_C8000_MSR,
+                                        MTRR_FIX_TYPE(MTRR_TYPE_WRBACK),
+                                        MTRR_FIX_TYPE(MTRR_TYPE_WRBACK));
+                       native_write_msr(MTRR_FIX_4K_D0000_MSR,
+                                        MTRR_FIX_TYPE(MTRR_TYPE_WRBACK),
+                                        MTRR_FIX_TYPE(MTRR_TYPE_WRBACK));
+                       native_write_msr(MTRR_FIX_4K_D8000_MSR,
+                                        MTRR_FIX_TYPE(MTRR_TYPE_WRBACK),
+                                        MTRR_FIX_TYPE(MTRR_TYPE_WRBACK));
+                       /* Enable the fixed range MTRRs */
+                       msr_setbits_64(MTRR_DEF_TYPE_MSR, MTRR_DEF_TYPE_FIX_EN);
+               }
+       }
+#ifdef CONFIG_I8254_TIMER
+       /* Set up the i8254 timer if required */
+       i8254_init();
+       return 0;
+void x86_enable_caches(void)
+       unsigned long cr0;
+       cr0 = read_cr0();
+       cr0 &= ~(X86_CR0_NW | X86_CR0_CD);
+       write_cr0(cr0);
+       wbinvd();
+void enable_caches(void) __attribute__((weak, alias("x86_enable_caches")));
+void x86_disable_caches(void)
+       unsigned long cr0;
+       cr0 = read_cr0();
+       cr0 |= X86_CR0_NW | X86_CR0_CD;
+       wbinvd();
+       write_cr0(cr0);
+       wbinvd();
+void disable_caches(void) __attribute__((weak, alias("x86_disable_caches")));
+int dcache_status(void)
+       return !(read_cr0() & X86_CR0_CD);
+void cpu_enable_paging_pae(ulong cr3)
+       __asm__ __volatile__(
+               /* Load the page table address */
+               "movl   %0, %%cr3\n"
+               /* Enable pae */
+               "movl   %%cr4, %%eax\n"
+               "orl    $0x00000020, %%eax\n"
+               "movl   %%eax, %%cr4\n"
+               /* Enable paging */
+               "movl   %%cr0, %%eax\n"
+               "orl    $0x80000000, %%eax\n"
+               "movl   %%eax, %%cr0\n"
+               :
+               : "r" (cr3)
+               : "eax");
+void cpu_disable_paging_pae(void)
+       /* Turn off paging */
+       __asm__ __volatile__ (
+               /* Disable paging */
+               "movl   %%cr0, %%eax\n"
+               "andl   $0x7fffffff, %%eax\n"
+               "movl   %%eax, %%cr0\n"
+               /* Disable pae */
+               "movl   %%cr4, %%eax\n"
+               "andl   $0xffffffdf, %%eax\n"
+               "movl   %%eax, %%cr4\n"
+               :
+               :
+               : "eax");
+static bool can_detect_long_mode(void)
+       return cpuid_eax(0x80000000) > 0x80000000UL;
+static bool has_long_mode(void)
+       return cpuid_edx(0x80000001) & (1 << 29) ? true : false;
+int cpu_has_64bit(void)
+       return has_cpuid() && can_detect_long_mode() &&
+               has_long_mode();
+#define PAGETABLE_SIZE         (6 * 4096)
+ * build_pagetable() - build a flat 4GiB page table structure for 64-bti mode
+ *
+ * @pgtable: Pointer to a 24iKB block of memory
+ */
+static void build_pagetable(uint32_t *pgtable)
+       uint i;
+       memset(pgtable, '\0', PAGETABLE_SIZE);
+       /* Level 4 needs a single entry */
+       pgtable[0] = (ulong)&pgtable[1024] + 7;
+       /* Level 3 has one 64-bit entry for each GiB of memory */
+       for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+               pgtable[1024 + i * 2] = (ulong)&pgtable[2048] + 0x1000 * i + 7;
+       /* Level 2 has 2048 64-bit entries, each repesenting 2MiB */
+       for (i = 0; i < 2048; i++)
+               pgtable[2048 + i * 2] = 0x183 + (i << 21UL);
+int cpu_jump_to_64bit(ulong setup_base, ulong target)
+       uint32_t *pgtable;
+       pgtable = memalign(4096, PAGETABLE_SIZE);
+       if (!pgtable)
+               return -ENOMEM;
+       build_pagetable(pgtable);
+       cpu_call64((ulong)pgtable, setup_base, target);
+       free(pgtable);
+       return -EFAULT;
+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
+static int enable_smis(struct udevice *cpu, void *unused)
+       return 0;
+static struct mp_flight_record mp_steps[] = {
+       MP_FR_BLOCK_APS(mp_init_cpu, NULL, mp_init_cpu, NULL),
+       /* Wait for APs to finish initialization before proceeding */
+       MP_FR_BLOCK_APS(NULL, NULL, enable_smis, NULL),
+int x86_mp_init(void)
+       struct mp_params mp_params;
+       mp_params.parallel_microcode_load = 0,
+       mp_params.flight_plan = &mp_steps[0];
+       mp_params.num_records = ARRAY_SIZE(mp_steps);
+       mp_params.microcode_pointer = 0;
+       if (mp_init(&mp_params)) {
+               printf("Warning: MP init failure\n");
+               return -EIO;
+       }
+       return 0;
diff --git a/arch/x86/cpu/interrupts.c b/arch/x86/cpu/i386/interrupt.c
similarity index 99%
rename from arch/x86/cpu/interrupts.c
rename to arch/x86/cpu/i386/interrupt.c
index 5f6cdd3..8dfbb48 100644
--- a/arch/x86/cpu/interrupts.c
+++ b/arch/x86/cpu/i386/interrupt.c
@@ -13,16 +13,12 @@
 #include <common.h>
 #include <dm.h>
-#include <asm/cache.h>
 #include <asm/control_regs.h>
 #include <asm/i8259.h>
 #include <asm/interrupt.h>
 #include <asm/io.h>
 #include <asm/lapic.h>
-#include <asm/msr.h>
 #include <asm/processor-flags.h>
-#include <asm/processor.h>
-#include <asm/u-boot-x86.h>
diff --git a/arch/x86/include/asm/mp.h b/arch/x86/include/asm/mp.h
index 2e6c312..83b99dc 100644
--- a/arch/x86/include/asm/mp.h
+++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/mp.h
@@ -90,4 +90,7 @@ int mp_init(struct mp_params *params);
 /* Probes the CPU device */
 int mp_init_cpu(struct udevice *cpu, void *unused);
+/* Set up additional CPUs */
+int x86_mp_init(void);
 #endif /* _X86_MP_H_ */

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