Hi Stefan,

On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 4:44 PM, Stefan Roese <s...@denx.de> wrote:
> Hi Bin,
> On 08.07.2016 04:27, Bin Meng wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 11:52 PM, Stefan Roese <s...@denx.de> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> I do have BayTrail / FSP related question. I'm currently trying
>>> to use a DFI QSeven SoM which has one x4 PCIe slot instead
>>> of the usual 4 x1 slots. So all 4 PCIe lanes are used by the
>>> first PCIe controller. With the current U-Boot, all 4 PCIe
>>> controllers are enabled by the FSP :
>>> 00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Atom Processor E3800 Series PCI 
>>> Express Root Port 1 (rev 11)
>>> 00:1c.1 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Atom Processor E3800 Series PCI 
>>> Express Root Port 2 (rev 11)
>>> 00:1c.2 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Atom Processor E3800 Series PCI 
>>> Express Root Port 3 (rev 11)
>>> 00:1c.3 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Atom Processor E3800 Series PCI 
>>> Express Root Port 4 (rev 11)
>>> In this configuration, the x4 PCIe card that is installed in the
>>> PCIe slot is not detected. The system always generated hotplug
>>> events for all for ports, but the link is not established.
>>> The original DFI BIOS only enables the first PCIe controller. The
>>> controllers 1...3 are not visible via lspci. Here the 4x link
>>> is established and the 4x PCIe card is detected correctly.
>>> My question now is, how can I enable this 4x link on the first
>>> PCIe controller via U-Boot / FSP? I have found no option on how
>>> to configure the PCIe controllers in the FSP dts properties.
>>> So that only the first controller is enabled and visible via
>>> lspci etc. The BayTrail datasheet mentions this to configure the
>>> PCIe setup in chapter "23.2.1 Root Port Configurations":
>>> "
>>> Root port configurations are set by SoftStraps stored in SPI flash,
>>> and the default option is “(4) x1”. Links for each root port will
>>> train automatically to the maximum possible for each port.
>>> "
>> Correct. It's determined by the soft strap value in the SPI flash, to
>> be specific, in the descriptor.bin.
> Thanks.
> I'm still wondering, if there isn't any documentation about these
> soft-strap values that are stored in the SPI flash for this Atom SoC.
> Does someone have a link to such a document? Or any further infos?
> Can the values be simply changed in the binary image, or is there
> some sort of CRC on the image that will fail after such a change?

Just checked the datasheet, other than the description you quoted in
preivous thread, no detailed info regarding to this soft-strap values.
Looks there is no public document that has such info.

>>> Where is this SoftStraps in the SPI flash located? I've found this
>>> page mentioning that its a offset 0x100:
>>> https://embedded.communities.intel.com/thread/8539
>>> But I fail to find any documentation for all those Soft-Strap
>>> Registers / Values in the SPI flash. Does anyone have some further
>>> infos / documentation on this? How to enable 4x PCIe lanes
>>> for one PCIe controller on BayTrail / Atom?
>> Please try this:
>> If you have the original DFI BIOS, extract the descriptor.bin using
>> U-Boot's ifdtool (ifdtool -x dfi_bios), and use this descriptor.bin to
>> generate u-boot.rom. Or if you don't have the original DFI BIOS, dump
>> it using Dediprog SF100, and do the same.
> Thanks.
> I do have the original BIOS. And with its descriptor.bin I get the
> following compilation error:
> Region Intel ME is 3141632(0x2ff000) bytes. File is 5238784(0x4ff000)  bytes. 
> Not injecting.
> Makefile:1070: recipe for target 'u-boot.rom' failed
> make: *** [u-boot.rom] Error 1

This indicates the original BIOS's descriptor.bin defines a smaller
me.bin than what you are using.

> When I now also use the extracted me.bin to replace the one that
> I'm currently using, u-boot.rom can be built just fine. But
> unfortunately it does not boot to the prompt. I can see some
> early debug output but that's it. I also tried to use the debug
> FSP version but with this compilation fails with this error:

By early debug output, do you mean: U-Boot's debug UART output? At
which point does it hang?

> Output file is too small. (8388608 < 8421376)
> Makefile:1070: recipe for target 'u-boot.rom' failed
> make: *** [u-boot.rom] Error 1

This indicates the debug version FSP has larger size so that
u-boot.rom does not fit.

> Has someone been able to use the FSP debug version? Bin, do you
> know how this can be integrated without this image size
> overflow? And which UART will be used by this FSP debug?

If you are using debug version FSP, please adjust the
CONFIG_FSP_ADDR=0xfffb0000. The debug FSP uses the SoC integrated
legacy UART for the debug output.

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