Updated the CONFIG_SPL_TEXT_BASE to support secure parts (moving
the start address past secure reserved memory and the size of the
security certificate that precedes the boot image on secure devices).
Updated the related CONFIG_SPL_MAX_SIZE to properly reflect the
internal memory actually available on the various device flavors
(Common minimum internal RAM guaranteed for various flavors of
DRA7xx/AM57xx is 512KB).

Signed-off-by: Daniel Allred <d-all...@ti.com>
Signed-off-by: Madan Srinivas <mad...@ti.com>
 include/configs/ti_omap5_common.h | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 27 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/configs/ti_omap5_common.h 
index 202b18c..b2d4a0b 100644
--- a/include/configs/ti_omap5_common.h
+++ b/include/configs/ti_omap5_common.h
@@ -132,13 +132,35 @@
  * SPL related defines.  The Public RAM memory map the ROM defines the
- * area between 0x40300000 and 0x4031E000 as a download area for OMAP5
- * (dra7xx is larger, but we do not need to be larger at this time).  We
- * set CONFIG_SPL_DISPLAY_PRINT to have omap_rev_string() called and
+ * area between 0x40300000 and 0x4031E000 as a download area for OMAP5.
+ * On DRA7xx/AM57XX the download area is between 0x40300000 and 0x4037E000.
+ * We set CONFIG_SPL_DISPLAY_PRINT to have omap_rev_string() called and
  * print some information.
-#define CONFIG_SPL_TEXT_BASE           0x40300000
-#define CONFIG_SPL_MAX_SIZE            (0x4031E000 - CONFIG_SPL_TEXT_BASE)
+ * For memory booting on HS parts, the first 4KB of the internal RAM is
+ * reserved for secure world use and the flash loader image is
+ * preceded by a secure certificate. The SPL will therefore run in internal
+ * RAM from address 0x40301350 (0x40300000+0x1000(reserved)+0x350(cert)).
+ */
+#define CONFIG_SPL_TEXT_BASE   0x40301350
+ * For all booting on GP parts, the flash loader image is
+ * downloaded into internal RAM at address 0x40300000.
+ */
+#define CONFIG_SPL_TEXT_BASE   0x40300000
+/* DRA7xx/AM57xx have 512K of SRAM, OMAP5 only 128K */
+#if defined(CONFIG_DRA7XX) || defined(CONFIG_AM57XX)
+#define CONFIG_SPL_BOOT_END            0x4037E000
+#define CONFIG_SPL_BOOT_END            0x4031E000
 #define CONFIG_SPL_LDSCRIPT "$(CPUDIR)/omap-common/u-boot-spl.lds"

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