Hi Tom,

On Tue, Apr 05, 2016 at 09:43:11AM -0400, Tom Rini wrote:
>On Tue, Apr 05, 2016 at 04:53:28PM +0800, Peng Fan wrote:
>> Hi Tom,
>> I know this already merged to i.mx tree. I still have a question for the
>> tIH-CA violation.
>It's not in mainline 'tho so it can always come out :)
>> In my side, the value is ok. clk is 400MHz.
>> (0x30 * 256.0) * (1000000000000.0/400000000.0) = 468.75ps.
>> And according to spec, to 800M date rate, the minimum tIH value is 290ps.
>> So I wonder how in your side it is tIH-CA violation.
>The board we measured this on is based on the mx6slevk and this
>particular part of the board (layout, etc) is unchanged.  Micron put the
>board under analysis and measured these violations (along with that we
>don't issue a reset before configuring CS1, I still might try and push
>that change up for the EVK at least, not armadillo tho).

I have no way to measure the signals (:.
So just formula computing:
If setting the value to 0x40, then tIH is (0x40 / 256.0) * 
(1000000000000.0/400000000.0) = 625ps.
If setting the value to 0x30, then tIH is (0x30 / 256.0) * 
(1000000000000.0/400000000.0) = 468.75ps.

Both value does not violate the LPDDR2 spec, bigger that 290ps which 800M date 
rate requires the minimum value.

I can not say which value is better. Anyway different board may have different 

since you measured the signals, and value 0x30 is not good, I am ok with your 



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