On 17 February 2016 at 18:45, Phil Reid <pr...@electromag.com.au> wrote:
> G'day George
> On 18/02/2016 5:54 AM, George Broz wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Sorry for the newbie question...
>> I have an Altera/Terasic board (socfpga_sockit) that has issues
>> recognizing
>> USB storage devices (roughly 60% good / 40% bad):

>> If I try a later release (e.g. v2016.01 which seems to support the Terasic
>> board explicitly) the boot process stops just after loading the SPL.
>> At this point I have only been changing the u-boot.img component, not the
>> SPL (in the a2 partition of the MMC).
>> The documentation from Altera about generating the SPL seems to require
>> using Qsys/Quartus tools which I'd really like to avoid.
>> I can produce u-boot-spl.bin / u-boot.img from
>> make socfpga_sockit_defconfig; make all.
>> My newbie question ... should be I able to use directly the u-boot-spl.bin
>> generated by the build to replace the SPL on the board?
> I've just gone thru the process (this week) of getting uboot 2016.01 to boot
> on our custom socfpga board.
> There where a few issues in getting things going.
> If your using the sd card to boot then the current memory layout is not per
> the altera documentation.
> I had to make the changes below to config to match the altera docs.
> Otherwise it hangs just after the SPL.
> You also need to use the -dtb image versions with 2016.01 for things to
> work.
> Again you may need to make sure the uboot device trees match your hardware.
> Not all uboot drivers appear to be using the DT as yet.
> Note the SPL is tightly coupled to the board design and potentially the FPGA
> image.
> If you using bridges or routing HPS resources (eg i2c etc) to the fpga the
> SPL configures the muxes.
> There's a script in uboot src at arch\arm\mach-socfpga\qts-filter.sh
> That will generate the qts files for you arch.
> I haven't tried the USB stuff as yet.
> There are some issues witht eh altera USB port trigger an Over Current event
> on device insertation.
> They've modified the linux kenerl driver to use external OV current
> detection to get around the problem.
> My intial workaround was to insert USB device prior to power on.
> I haven't looked at the uboot USB driver yet to see what's in there.
> --
> Regards
> Phil Reid
> diff --git a/include/configs/socfpga_common.h
> b/include/configs/socfpga_common.h
> index a09e906..3a1b59b 100644 (file)
> --- a/include/configs/socfpga_common.h
> +++ b/include/configs/socfpga_common.h
> @@ -357,13 +357,13 @@ unsigned int cm_get_qspi_controller_clk_hz(void);
> /* SPL SDMMC boot support */
> #define CONFIG_SPL_FS_LOAD_PAYLOAD_NAME "u-boot-dtb.img"
> #else
> -#define CONFIG_SYS_MMCSD_RAW_MODE_U_BOOT_SECTOR 0xa00 /* offset 2560 sect
> (1M+256k) */
> #define CONFIG_SYS_U_BOOT_MAX_SIZE_SECTORS 800 /* 400 KB */
> #endif
> #endif

Thanks, Phil!

Sorry for the delayed response - got called away, but am back to this
now. I patched
socfpga_common.h and re-built the project. I picked up
spl/u-boot-spl-dtb.sfp and
u-boot-dtb.img and transferred them to the SD card with:

dd if=u-boot-spl-dtb.sfp of=/dev/sdf3 bs=64k seek=0
dd if=u-boot-dtb.img of=/dev/sdf3 bs=64k seek=4

Tried this with both the original DT set (socfpga.dtsi, socfpga_cyclone.dtsi,
socfpga_cyclone5_sockit.dts) that came with the u-boot v2016.01 download and
also an Altera-patched DT set that I've used to boot into Linux numerous times.

When I start up the board I get:

U-Boot SPL 2016.01 (Mar 01 2016 - 17:28:14)
drivers/ddr/altera/sequencer.c: Preparing to start memory calibration
drivers/ddr/altera/sequencer.c: CALIBRATION FAILED
drivers/ddr/altera/sequencer.c: Calibration complete
SDRAM calibration failed.
### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ###

I'm not a Quartus user, so I haven't done anything with the
qts-filter.sh script you
mentioned. Do I need to? I don't have any custom FPGA logic - it's
just the Terasic
board out of the box.

Thanks for any help!

--George Broz
Moog Industrial Group
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