G'day George
On 18/02/2016 5:54 AM, George Broz wrote:
Sorry for the newbie question...
I have an Altera/Terasic board (socfpga_sockit) that has issues recognizing
USB storage devices (roughly 60% good / 40% bad):
SOCFPGA_CYCLONE5 # usb start
(Re)start USB...
USB0: scanning bus 0 for devices... DW_USB: Transfer completion
interrupt timeout
Timed out waiting for channel to disable
1 USB Device(s) found
scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
The pre-made U-Boot SPL & image that come with the board have version:
U-Boot 2013.01.01 (Aug 08 2014 - 10:46:23)
I need to rebuild U-Boot for this board to add md5sum and hopefully fix the
USB issues. When I've rebuilt the u-boot.img from the 2013.01.01 branch
of the (Altera maintained) source, U-boot boots, but the USB problems
get worse (100% bad):
USB0: Core Release: 2.93a
dwc_otg_core_host_init: Unable to clear halt on channel 1 (timeout
HCCHAR 0xC0000000 @ffb40520)
dwc_otg_core_host_init: Unable to clear halt on channel 2 (timeout
HCCHAR 0xC0000000 @ffb40540
(I've confirmed that CONFIG_CMD_USB and CONFIG_USB_STORAGE are
defined and have tried turning on and off 'dcache' as suggested elsewhere
to no avail).
If I try a later release (e.g. v2016.01 which seems to support the Terasic
board explicitly) the boot process stops just after loading the SPL.
At this point I have only been changing the u-boot.img component, not the
SPL (in the a2 partition of the MMC).
The documentation from Altera about generating the SPL seems to require
using Qsys/Quartus tools which I'd really like to avoid.
I can produce u-boot-spl.bin / u-boot.img from
make socfpga_sockit_defconfig; make all.
My newbie question ... should be I able to use directly the u-boot-spl.bin
generated by the build to replace the SPL on the board?
(I'm hoping the USB issues resolve themselves when I'm able to get
the later version of U-Boot running...)
I've just gone thru the process (this week) of getting uboot 2016.01 to boot on
our custom socfpga board.
There where a few issues in getting things going.
If your using the sd card to boot then the current memory layout is not per the
altera documentation.
I had to make the changes below to config to match the altera docs. Otherwise
it hangs just after the SPL.
You also need to use the -dtb image versions with 2016.01 for things to work.
Again you may need to make sure the uboot device trees match your hardware.
Not all uboot drivers appear to be using the DT as yet.
Note the SPL is tightly coupled to the board design and potentially the FPGA
If you using bridges or routing HPS resources (eg i2c etc) to the fpga the SPL
configures the muxes.
There's a script in uboot src at arch\arm\mach-socfpga\qts-filter.sh
That will generate the qts files for you arch.
I haven't tried the USB stuff as yet.
There are some issues witht eh altera USB port trigger an Over Current event on
device insertation.
They've modified the linux kenerl driver to use external OV current detection
to get around the problem.
My intial workaround was to insert USB device prior to power on.
I haven't looked at the uboot USB driver yet to see what's in there.
Phil Reid
diff --git a/include/configs/socfpga_common.h b/include/configs/socfpga_common.h
index a09e906..3a1b59b 100644 (file)
--- a/include/configs/socfpga_common.h
+++ b/include/configs/socfpga_common.h
@@ -357,13 +357,13 @@ unsigned int cm_get_qspi_controller_clk_hz(void);
/* SPL SDMMC boot support */
#define CONFIG_SPL_FS_LOAD_PAYLOAD_NAME "u-boot-dtb.img"
-#define CONFIG_SYS_MMCSD_RAW_MODE_U_BOOT_SECTOR 0xa00 /* offset 2560 sect
(1M+256k) */
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