Hi Heiko,

On 17.2.2016 07:34, Heiko Schocher wrote:
> Hello Michal,
> Am 16.02.2016 um 17:04 schrieb Michal Simek:
>> Hi Heiko,
>> On 16.2.2016 14:32, Heiko Schocher wrote:
>>> Hello Michal,
>>> Am 16.02.2016 um 13:12 schrieb Michal Simek:
>>>> Hi Stephen,
>>>> trying to run the latest testing on zynq board and getting this
>>>> main_signon error.
>>>> This is what I am running
>>>> ./test/py/test.py --bd zynq_zc702  --build --board-identity zc702
>>>> and getting below.
>>> Does this board has SPL support without SPL serial output?
>> I do load u-boot via jtag that's why SPL logs are not visible.
>>> If so, can you try my patch:
>>> http://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/583348/
>> I have applied your patch but it is still not working.
>> If I run full flow with SPL then I can't see any issue.
> I am not an expert of test/py (I still try to dig into it), but as
> I understand it, it looks if CONFIG_SPL is defined, if so, the
> framework expects a SPL output first, if not found, it raises
> the error you see ...
> My patch fixes this, for boards which use SPL, but without serial
> SPL output ...
> Now you test only u-boot with SPL configured with SPL serial output ...
> I think Stephen can say here more, how to solve this ...

Ok. I have spent some time on this. Your patch is covering a little bit
different case than I have.
We have in general two used cases. One is to use SPL as first stage
bootloader and then private full featured FSBL.
Both of them works with the same u-boot image. It means I can build
uboot with SPL and run two test sets. One with SPL which is working fine
and the second without but there is no reason to rebuild u-boot without
SPL just to pass testing.
It means the feature I am looking for is more about ignoring SPL signon
instead of supporting cases where SPL doesn't print anything.


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