Dana Goyette wrote:
> Michal Simek wrote:
>> Hi,
>> FIT support is not in mainline u-boot. Only in my testing repository.
>>> If I fix that and try to load a FIT image with a kernel and device-tree,
>>> the bootm command completely ignores the device tree; unfortunately,
>> Yes the same thing as with FIT. Not in mainline yet. Simple no time. But
>> I have patches in my tree and I want to send them to next merge open window.
>>> I
>>> don't have a log of this on hand, because now even image loading has
>>> broken somehow.  For example, fatls ace 0 gives "   131074   . ", and
>>> attempting DHCP boot results in a spew of "ARP Retry count exceeded;
>>> starting again" -- retry count exceeded, despite it never having tried
>>> even once?
>> I'll test it.
>>> I've attached a log of the console output under both conditions, as well
>>> as the config.mk and xparameters.h under microblaze_generic; for some
>>> reason, the given U-Boot BSP assumes 100MHz, despite the board using
>>> 125MHz.  Does anyone have advice for getting u-boot to work on this board?
>> I have fix for u-boot bsp which fix it. The same issue is for uart16550.
>> I am going to update my git repo at http://git.monstr.eu/git/gitweb.cgi
>> There will be updated u-boot bsp too.
>> Thanks,
>> Michal
>>> Thanks in advance for any help.
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Thanks for the help!  I cloned your u-boot-microblaze repository, and 
> the same fit_hdr_t issues applied; now I'm also working out other 
> various issues. 

I have just updated that repo with my latest version. u-boot bsp is updated 
too. I tested fit some
month ago when was really new thing but I personally not add it to my workflow.
I am compiling generic platform with FIT support but not test it.

 If it would help, I can attach (or send) my project
> file or files, and even an image of the CompactFlash card I am using -- 
> it's a 1GB card, with a 100MB fat16 and the rest in ext2.  Oddly enough, 
> ext2ls just plain returns silently.

If you have edk project, I can take a look or try to generate files.
(If you want send it to me in private email and not to bother u-boot mailing 
Sorry I don't have a 1GB CF and time to debug it just for fun. I had one 
project in past
with systemace and CF and I had no problem to list/use both partitions.

> u-boot-microblaze/drivers/mtd/cfi_flash.c:2088: undefined reference to 
> `monitor_flash_len'

this code can't be compiled - you have bad setting. MONITOR_BASE is always on 
lower address then
FLASH address. Check that your ram on lower address than your flash - this is 
check by u-boot.bsp too.

> I've also noticed that the "top" BSP looks in the Xilinx install path 
> and the project path, but not the EDK user repository.

top bsp looks at bsp folder in hardware project, then all ModuleSearchPath which
are in xmp files and then take a look to edk patch for standalone bsp.
EDK user repository are in xmp as ModuleSearchPatch and bsp there should be 


> Thanks again for the help.
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Michal Simek, Ing. (M.Eng)
w: www.monstr.eu p: +42-0-721842854
Maintainer of Linux kernel 2.6 Microblaze Linux - http://www.monstr.eu/fdt/
Microblaze U-BOOT custodian
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