
Thanks for the reply.

I get 
NAN DSPL - U-Boot 1.3.0-S600-Ver1.1 (Aug  8 2009 - 02:24:03) MPC83XX
NAN DSPL - U-Boot 1.3.0-S600-Ver1.1 (Aug  8 2009 - 02:24:03) MPC83XX
Loading from NAND : 

I have changes the code like below nand_boot.c 

   char str[5] = { 1 }
 for (ctr = CFG_NAND_PAGE_SIZE / sizeof (unsigned int); ctr; ctr--) {
                                ptr = (char*)src;
                                *(dst++) = *(src++);
        str[0] = *(char*)ptr++;
        str[1] = *(char*)ptr++;
        str[2] = *(char*)ptr++;
        str[3] = *(char*)ptr;
        str[4] = 0;

I get the continuos 000000 printing on the console .

I think the boot loader0 is failing to read the nand properly and it is 
readig zero's.
Can u please tell is there something i am missing.


Thanks  & Regards
Rupesh Kumar Larsen and Toubro Limited-EmSyS
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Rupesh Kumar <rupesh.ku...@lntemsys.com>
Scott Wood <scottw...@freescale.com>, u-boot@lists.denx.de
Re: [U-Boot] NAND booting of MPC8313 based Custom board

> However, now it again stuck after printing transferring
> control.

This probably means that the NAND is being read appropriately, but is
not able to run the code from the location to where the data is being
transferred.  To what address is your code being transferred?  Is it a
valid region?



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