Hi all,

I am using u-boot version 1.3.0 included in freescale LTIB released for 
MPC8313ERDB custom board. 
I tried NAND booting of MPC8313ERDB board using this u-boot and it worked 

Using similar procedure i tried NAND boot on my custom board but it dint 
work :(

My board has large page NAND where as MPC8313ERDB has small page NAND. I 
have modified all the parameters required for Large page NAND.
It prints initail debug message as shown below and then while copying 
u-boot code from NAND to DDR it detects NAND blocks as bad block and 
continuously prints 'B' on Console.

NAND SPL - U-Boot 1.3.0 (Jul 30 2009 - 06:33:05) MPC83XX
Loading from NAND : 

Can any one please tell what could be going wrong? Am i missing something 
in large page NAND initialization?



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