Hi Bin,

On 4 August 2015 at 02:19, Bin Meng <bmeng...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 11:31 PM, Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org> wrote:
>> This series allows U-Boot to be build as an EFI payload so that U-Boot
>> can be started on almost any x86 platform that supports EFI. This is
>> implemented as a stub which EFI can load plus a payload that is copied
>> to RAM. The payload contains a normal U-Boot binary image and device tree.
>> This allows U-Boot to run on platforms that have EFI support but are not
>> supported natively by U-Boot. It also allows testing and fiddling with the
>> board using U-Boots memory display and other commands.
>> In addition, U-Boot can be built as an EFI application. This should work
>> regardless of the board type since it only relies on EFI services. However
>> only 32-bit EFI is supported in this case. Again it can be used to snoop
>> around the platform.
>> A README provides further details of how this series operates.
> I've finished the review for the v2 series. Testing shows that EFI
> application and EFI 64-bit stub works, but EFI 32-bit stub does not.
> There are two issues for 32-bit EFI stub.
> 1). the build issue in jump_to_uboot() in lib/efi/efi_stub.c
> 2). After fixing the build issue, the 32-bit EFI stub still does not
> boot. It reports error below.
> U-Boot 2015.07-00476-g8771bcb-dirty (Aug 04 2015 - 08:07:09 +0000)
> CPU: x86, vendor Intel, device 663h
> DRAM:  Cannot find EFI memory map tables, ret=-93
> initcall sequence 0115e954 failed at call 011126fd (err=-19)
> ### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ###

Do you have any additional patches?

I tested this before sending the series. It works here for me. Did you
use u-boot-x86/efi-working?

I've just pushed my tree to u-boot-x86/efi-working again.
Unfortunately this has a few v3 changes but there are not too many

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