This series fixes the SPL support on SoCFPGA and cleans up the DDR
init code such that it is becoming remotely mainlinable. After this
series, the SPL is capable of booting from both SD/MMC and QSPI NOR.

There is still work to be done, but I'd like to start picking it up
so it can land in 2015.10 . Reviews and comments are welcome.

Dinh Nguyen (3):
  driver/ddr/altera: Add DDR driver for Altera's SDRAM controller
  driver/ddr/altera: Add the sdram calibration portion
  arm: socfpga: enable the Altera SDRAM controller driver

Marek Vasut (169):
  arm: socfpga: Move sdram_config.h to board dir
  ddr: altera: Move struct sdram_prot_rule prototype
  ddr: altera: Fix typo in mp_threshold1 programming
  ddr: altera: Fix debug message format in sequencer
  arm: socfpga: reset: Add missing reset manager regs
  arm: socfpga: reset: Start reworking the SoCFPGA reset manager
  arm: socfpga: reset: Implement unified function to toggle reset
  arm: socfpga: reset: Replace ad-hoc reset functions
  arm: socfpga: reset: Repair bridge reset handling
  arm: socfpga: reset: Add function to reset add peripherals
  arm: socfpga: reset: Add SDMMC, QSPI and DMA defines
  arm: socfpga: clock: Get rid of cm_config_t typedef
  arm: socfpga: clock: Clean up pll_config.h
  arm: socfpga: scan: Staticize scan_mgr_io_scan_chain_prg()
  arm: socfpga: scan: Zap redundant params in
  arm: socfpga: scan: Zap iocsr_scan_chain*_table()
  arm: socfpga: system: Rework sysmgr_enable_warmrstcfgio()
  arm: socfpga: system: Clean up pinmux_config.c
  arm: socfpga: spl: Toggle warm reset config I/O bit
  arm: socfpga: spl: Configure SCU and NIC-301 early
  arm: socfpga: spl: Add missing reset logic
  arm: socfpga: spl: Merge spl_board_init() into board_init_f()
  arm: socfpga: spl: Remove custom linker script
  arm: socfpga: spl: Add support for booting from SD/MMC
  arm: socfpga: spl: Add support for booting from QSPI
  arm: socfpga: spl: Add support for selecting boot device from BSEL
  arm: socfpga: misc: Fix warm reset
  arm: socfpga: misc: Add support for printing boot mode
  arm: socfpga: misc: Export bootmode into environment variable
  arm: socfpga: misc: Probe ethernet GMAC from OF
  arm: socfpga: misc: Reset ethernet from OF
  arm: socfpga: config: Move SPL GD and malloc to RAM
  arm: socfpga: config: Zap incorrect config options
  arm: socfpga: config: Exclude CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_MTD from SPL build
  arm: socfpga: config: Enable CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_BAR
  arm: socfpga: config: Fix LOADADDR
  arm: socfpga: config: Make CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_MTD useful
  Makefile: Add target for building bootable SPL image for SoCFPGA
  ddr: altera: Minor indent fix in set_rank_and_odt_mask()
  ddr: altera: Clean up ugly casts in sdram_calibration_full()
  ddr: altera: Zap invocation of sdr_get_addr((u32 *)BASE_RW_MGR)"
  ddr: altera: Dissolve invocation of sdr_get_addr(&sdr_reg_file->.*)
  ddr: altera: Dissolve invocation of sdr_get_addr(&sdr_scc_mgr->.*)
  ddr: altera: Dissolve invocation of sdr_get_addr(&sdr_rw_load.*->.*)
  ddr: altera: Dissolve invocation of sdr_get_addr(&sdr_mgr_.*->.*)
  ddr: altera: Pluck out remaining sdr_get_addr() calls
  ddr: altera: Stop using SDR_CTRLGRP_ADDRESS directly
  ddr: altera: Massage addr into I/O accessors
  ddr: altera: Clean up hc_initialize_rom_data()
  ddr: altera: Clean up initialize_reg_file()
  ddr: altera: Clean up initialize_hps_phy()
  ddr: altera: Clean up reg_file_set*()
  ddr: altera: Clean up scc manager function args
  ddr: altera: Reorder scc manager functions
  ddr: altera: Implement universal scc manager config function
  ddr: altera: Clean up scc_mgr_initialize()
  ddr: altera: Shuffle around scc_mgr_set_*all_ranks()
  ddr: altera: Implement universal scc_mgr_set_all_ranks()
  ddr: altera: Clean up scc_mgr_load_dqs_for_write_group()
  ddr: altera: Clean up scc_set_bypass_mode()
  ddr: altera: Clean up scc_mgr_set_oct_out1_delay()
  ddr: altera: Clean up scc_mgr_apply_group_dq_out1_delay()
  ddr: altera: Clean up scc_mgr_*_delay() args
  ddr: altera: Clean up scc_mgr_set_hhp_extras()
  ddr: altera: Extract scc_mgr_set_hhp_extras()
  ddr: altera: Clean up scc_mgr_zero_all()
  ddr: altera: Clean up scc_mgr_zero_group()
  FIXME: ddr: altera: Internal scc_mgr_apply_group_all_out_delay_add()
    cleanup part 1
  ddr: altera: Internal scc_mgr_apply_group_all_out_delay_add() cleanup
    part 2
  ddr: altera: Clean up
  ddr: altera: Factor out instruction loading from
  ddr: altera: Factor out common code
  ddr: altera: Minor clean up of set_jump_as_return()
  ddr: altera: Fix ad-hoc iterative division implementation
  ddr: altera: Rework initialize_tracking()
  ddr: altera: Init my_param and my_gbl
  ddr: altera: Rename initialize() to phy_mgr_initialize()
  ddr: altera: Clean up run_mem_calibrate()
  ddr: altera: Clean up phy_mgr_initialize()
  ddr: altera: Clean up mem_config()
  ddr: altera: Clean up mem_precharge_and_activate()
  ddr: altera: Clean up set_rank_and_odt_mask() part 1
  ddr: altera: Clean up set_rank_and_odt_mask() part 2
  ddr: altera: Clean up set_rank_and_odt_mask() part 3
  ddr: altera: Minor clean up of mem_skip_calibrate()
  ddr: altera: Trivial mem_calibrate() indent cleanup
  ddr: altera: Internal mem_calibrate() cleanup part 1
  ddr: altera: Internal mem_calibrate() cleanup part 2
  ddr: altera: Internal mem_calibrate() cleanup part 3
  ddr: altera: Internal mem_calibrate() cleanup part 4
  ddr: altera: Internal mem_calibrate() cleanup part 5
  ddr: altera: Internal mem_calibrate() cleanup part 6
  ddr: altera: Minor clean up of rw_mgr_mem_initialize()
  ddr: altera: Internal rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo() cleanup part 1
  ddr: altera: Internal rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo() cleanup part 2
  ddr: altera: Internal rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo() cleanup part 3
  ddr: altera: Internal rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo() cleanup part 4
  ddr: altera: Internal rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo() cleanup part 5
  ddr: altera: Internal rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo() cleanup part 6
  ddr: altera: Internal rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo() cleanup part 7
  ddr: altera: Extract guaranteed write from
  ddr: altera: Extract DQS enable calibration from
  ddr: altera: Extract Centering DQ/DQS from
  ddr: altera: Minor rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_read_load_patterns() cleanup
  ddr: altera: Zap rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_read_test_patterns_all_ranks()
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_read_test_patterns()
  ddr: altera: Clean up
    part 1
  ddr: altera: Clean up
    part 2
  ddr: altera: Clean up
    part 3
  ddr: altera: Clean up
    part 4
  ddr: altera: Clean up sdr_find_window_centre() part 1
  ddr: altera: Clean up sdr_find_window_centre() part 2
  ddr: altera: Clean up sdr_find_window_centre() part 3
  ddr: altera: Clean up sdr_*_phase() part 1
  ddr: altera: Clean up sdr_*_phase() part 2
  ddr: altera: Clean up sdr_*_phase() part 3
  ddr: altera: Clean up sdr_*_phase() part 4
  ddr: altera: Clean up sdr_*_phase() part 5
  ddr: altera: Clean up sdr_*_phase() part 6
  ddr: altera: Clean up sdr_*_phase() part 7
  ddr: altera: Clean up sdr_*_phase() part 8
  ddr: altera: Clean up sdr_*_phase() part 9
  ddr: altera: Clean up sdr_*_phase() part 10
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_*_vfifo() part 1
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_*_vfifo() part 2
  ddr: altera: Clean up find_vfifo_read()
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo_find_dqs_en_phase()
    part 1
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo_find_dqs_en_phase()
    part 2
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo_find_dqs_en_phase()
    part 3
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo_find_dqs_en_phase()
    part 4
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo_find_dqs_en_phase()
    part 5
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo_find_dqs_en_phase()
    part 6
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo_find_dqs_en_phase()
    part 7
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_read_test_all_ranks()
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_read_test() part 1
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_read_test() part 2
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_read_test() part 3
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_read_test() part 4
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_read_test() part 5
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_writes()
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo_center() part 1
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo_center() part 2
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo_center() part 3
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo_center() part 4
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo_center() part 5
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo_center() part 6
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo_center() part 7
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo_center() part 8
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo_center() part 9
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo_center() part 10
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo_center() part 11
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_writes_center() part 1
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_writes_center() part 2
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_writes_center() part 3
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_writes_center() part 4
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_writes_center() part 5
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_write_test() part 1
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_write_test() part 2
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_write_test() part 3
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_write_test_issue()
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_vfifo_end()
  ddr: altera: Clean up rw_mgr_mem_calibrate_lfifo()
  ddr: altera: Minor clean up of rw_mgr_mem_handoff()
  ddr: altera: Clean up of delay_for_n_mem_clocks() part 1
  ddr: altera: Clean up of delay_for_n_mem_clocks() part 2
  ddr: altera: Clean up of delay_for_n_mem_clocks() part 3
  ddr: altera: Clean up of delay_for_n_mem_clocks() part 4
  ddr: altera: Clean up of delay_for_n_mem_clocks() part 5

 Makefile                                           |   13 +
 arch/arm/mach-socfpga/clock_manager.c              |   28 +-
 arch/arm/mach-socfpga/include/mach/clock_manager.h |   12 +-
 arch/arm/mach-socfpga/include/mach/reset_manager.h |   60 +-
 arch/arm/mach-socfpga/include/mach/scan_manager.h  |   23 +-
 arch/arm/mach-socfpga/include/mach/sdram.h         |  298 +-
 .../arm/mach-socfpga/include/mach/system_manager.h |    7 +-
 arch/arm/mach-socfpga/misc.c                       |  115 +-
 arch/arm/mach-socfpga/reset_manager.c              |   99 +-
 arch/arm/mach-socfpga/scan_manager.c               |   31 +-
 arch/arm/mach-socfpga/spl.c                        |  220 +-
 arch/arm/mach-socfpga/system_manager.c             |   16 +-
 arch/arm/mach-socfpga/               |   45 -
 board/altera/socfpga/Makefile                      |    4 +-
 board/altera/socfpga/qts/Makefile                  |    7 -
 board/altera/socfpga/qts/sdram_config.h            |  100 +
 board/altera/socfpga/wrap_iocsr_config.c           |   41 +
 board/altera/socfpga/wrap_pinmux_config.c          |   35 +
 board/altera/socfpga/wrap_pll_config.c             |  144 +
 configs/socfpga_arria5_defconfig                   |    9 +
 configs/socfpga_cyclone5_defconfig                 |   10 +
 configs/socfpga_socrates_defconfig                 |   11 +-
 drivers/ddr/altera/Makefile                        |   11 +
 drivers/ddr/altera/sdram.c                         |  817 +++++
 drivers/ddr/altera/sequencer.c                     | 3806 ++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/ddr/altera/sequencer.h                     |  299 ++
 drivers/ddr/altera/sequencer_auto.h                |  128 +
 drivers/ddr/altera/sequencer_auto_ac_init.h        |   84 +
 drivers/ddr/altera/sequencer_auto_inst_init.h      |  268 ++
 drivers/ddr/altera/sequencer_defines.h             |  121 +
 include/configs/socfpga_arria5.h                   |    7 +-
 include/configs/socfpga_common.h                   |   63 +-
 include/configs/socfpga_cyclone5.h                 |    7 +-
 include/fdtdec.h                                   |    1 +
 lib/fdtdec.c                                       |    1 +
 scripts/Makefile.spl                               |   11 +
 36 files changed, 6566 insertions(+), 386 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 arch/arm/mach-socfpga/
 delete mode 100644 board/altera/socfpga/qts/Makefile
 create mode 100644 board/altera/socfpga/qts/sdram_config.h
 create mode 100644 board/altera/socfpga/wrap_iocsr_config.c
 create mode 100644 board/altera/socfpga/wrap_pinmux_config.c
 create mode 100644 board/altera/socfpga/wrap_pll_config.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/ddr/altera/Makefile
 create mode 100644 drivers/ddr/altera/sdram.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/ddr/altera/sequencer.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/ddr/altera/sequencer.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/ddr/altera/sequencer_auto.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/ddr/altera/sequencer_auto_ac_init.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/ddr/altera/sequencer_auto_inst_init.h
 create mode 100644 drivers/ddr/altera/sequencer_defines.h


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