Hi Joe

On 8 July 2015 05:55:28 CEST, Joe Hershberger <joe.hershber...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Definitely use checkpatch.pl on this series.

Yeah, it's been late and I somehow forgot about it. I already run v2 about to 
be posted through it now.

> I recommend patman.

So far I have not used that one yet but thanks for the tip.

>I'm guessing this is ported from the ASIX Linux driver. Perhaps
>mention in the log where it came from.

As mentioned in the log it actually came from Antmicro who did an initial port 
way back 2011.

>Please don't use magic numbers.

I already got rid of this in v2.

> Also, ideally don't create PID hacks.

Understood, unfortunately I don't know what the effect of this on other ASIX 
variants is.

>Is this always needed or is it only helpful to your device?

Good question which posting it here I hoped to get some more feedback about.


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