On 17:50 Sun 12 Jul     , Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear Dirk,
> In message <4a59f95a.6060...@googlemail.com> you wrote:
> > 
> > > I really hesitate to do that. It seems that not  using  the  compiler
> > > provided library is not such a clever thing to do. The compile writes
> > > probably  know  better  what  a  specific  version  of GCC needs that
> > > anybody else.
> > 
> > Yes, you are basically right. But ;)
> > 
> > But, as Jean-Christophe mentioned above, it's a pain with the various 
> > ARM tool chains floating around. Some are older, some are newer, some 
> > are configured for EABI, some not, some are configured for software 
> > floating point, some for hardware floating point, etc., etc.
> Right. And each of these is supposed to come with it's own version of
> libgcc, configured exactly for  the  requirements  of  this  specific
> version and configuration of GCC.
the problem is that it's not really possible on arm
because you will need a toolchain for u-boot and an other for the userland
and in somecase an other for the kernel

We can not trust at all the libgcc provide by the toolchains we have see this
kind of problem thousand of times on the kernel and of course in U-Boot
and it's not the only arch to have this kind of problem the mips have too.

I can give 10's of toolchains which are correctly configured but never acheive
to build u-boot or the kernel just because of the libgcc.

Btw it will not be a huge work for U-Boot at all as we do this job in the
kernel anyway

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