On 21:35 Sun 12 Jul     , Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear Jean-Christophe PLAGNIOL-VILLARD,
> In message <20090712192216.ga1...@game.jcrosoft.org> you wrote:
> >
> > > Note that this is not a question of ARM versus  other  architectures.
> > > On  ARM  the  use  of  libgcc should be the default like on all other
> > > architectures - only if needed it should be possible to switch  on  a
> > > don't-use-libgcc  mode,  but  this  should  then  be  independent  of
> > > architecture, either.
> > which is the case no arch are force to switch the current patch just allow
> > to switch to this mode.
> My understanding was that the current patch (1) makes not using
> lingcc the default for ARM, and (2) makes it the default for ARM for
> all too chains.
the current patch do 2 thinks
PATCH 1 allow to switch or not (by default use the toolchains libgcc)
PATCH 2 for ARM only switch and do not use the libgcc anymore
> Please show me how to activate the feature from the command line, as
> I seem to have missed this option (and the documentation for it).
> > > This is where I disagree. Why should we automatically assume that
> > > there are no sane ARM toolchains?
> > unfortunately most of the arm toolchains are not sane for every point of 
> > view
> > as you can not build U-Boot, kernel and userland with the same optimized
> > toolchain most of the time.
> But ARM is just one out of many different  architectures,  and  there
> are  eventually  (sufficently)  sane  ARM tool chains available, too.
> This is the default case, and shall remain it.
> For broken tool chains (ARM or other) the feature can be activated
> (when running make).
Currently on arm you have more unsane toolchains than sane

so I'll prefer to avoid the dual config as it will be safer
I've test recently gcc-4.4.0 and it's the same you still have the problem
you build some of the board but not all of them

here is my status
I've test to MAKEALL arm with the following toolchains on the current U-Boot
ARM tree and different arch for the kernel
I'll avoid the gcc-3.x.x
                U-Boot          Kernel (without libgcc) Kernel (with libgcc)
gcc-4.1.1       Fail            Fail                            Fail
gcc-4.1.2       Fail            OK                              Fail
gcc-4.2.1       Fail            OK                              Fail
gcc-4.2.4       Fail            OK                              Fail
gcc-4.3.2       Fail            OK                              Fail
gcc-4.4.0       Fail            not tested                      not tested

Fail = mean one or more board fail to build evenif for the kernel there are
       reported ok by the autobuild kernel tool
OK   = all build (do not count the board report broken for the kernel by the
       autobuild kernel tool)

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