> and this is why i dislike the GPLv3.  the GPLv2 was all about the source, so 
> the conversation between developers and everyone else was "you can take my 
> source and modify it all you want, but i want to see the changes".  sounds 
> fair.
> GPLv3 (ignoring the fix for the loophole with web applications) adds 
> *nothing* 
> to this premise.  instead, it's used as an ideological club such that the 
> conversation is now "i have all these ideas about how software should and 
> shouldnt be utilized, so if you want to use my software, you too now have to 
> subscribe to my way of thinking and you have to show me the changes".
> so what does moving from GPLv2 to GPLv3 gain us in terms of protections ?  
> nothing.  it does however allow us to restrict the people who want to use u-
> boot to using it in only ways we've "blessed".  that's plain wrong in my eyes 
> and none of our business in the first place.
> > I think it is not a coincidence that devices which can be updated with
> > arbitrary firmware sells pretty good in the meantime.   Who buys routers
> > capable of running OpenWRT because of their original firmware?
> then let your wallet/politicians do the talking.  i certainly do -- i avoid 
> purchasing any music/games encumbered with DRM, or companies that employ such 
> methods.  but i'm above going around and forcing people to think the way i do 
> with licenses.
agreed with Mike.

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