Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> I'm only talking about software (code and data)  here.  If  I  cannot
> change  (or  just  rebuild)  the (Free!) software any more because to
> actually run it I need some secret data (like a signature) then  this
> is  still  a software problem. One that can be prevented by releasing
> the software under adequate licensing terms.

The mechanism preventing reprogramming of the target device is not part
of the software being licensed. So I just don't think it's reasonable
for us to prevent the software from being used on such devices, even
though I don't particularly like such restrictions either.

This assuming GPLv3 actually does prevent such problems, of course.
There seems to be a few loopholes in there, as others have pointed out
(though I won't claim to fully understand it, which is another reason
I'm not particularly fond of it.)

> Agreed.  Hardware  should  be  hackable,  too  :-)  (which   includes
> documentation  where  you  don't have to sell your soul and sign NDAs
> that are plain evil).


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