Hi Hans,

On 29 December 2014 at 12:17, Hans de Goede <hdego...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 29-12-14 17:23, Simon Glass wrote:
>> Hi Hans,
>> On 24 December 2014 at 09:47, Hans de Goede <hdego...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On 23-12-14 05:36, Simon Glass wrote:
>>>> Hi Hans,
>>>> On 22 December 2014 at 09:45, Hans de Goede <hdego...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> On 21-12-14 19:52, Simon Glass wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I ran up a banana PI and noticed that HDMI works in U-Boot. Great!
>>>>>> Scrolling seems very slow though - is the L2 cache disabled perhaps?
>>>>> I don't think so, but it could be, I think the scrolling code is just
>>>>> very inefficient. Feel free to poke things a bit around this, ARM
>>>>> cache management is not my forte.
>>>> I think it need ssomething like the code in exynos/soc.c - see
>>>> v7_outer_cache_enable().
>>>> Even with the 7 inch it's very slow.
>>> I've run some tests, and it is not slower then on say the A10 (cortex
>>> A8),
>>> also I've been unable to find any docs or allwinner code pointing to
>>> allwinner specific l2 cache init. As such ATM I do not believe that we've
>>> the l2 cache disabled.
>> Yes the code is not super-efficient (and could use the arch-specific
>> memcpy()) but I'm mostly interested in whether the platform is running
>> at full speed.
>> I'm comparing it to say an Exynos 5250 which is 1.7GHz Cortex-A15.
>> Without the L2 cache it scrolls quite slowly but with it it is fast.
> Well this is a 1 GHz Cortex A7, and one with likely a much less
> efficient DRAM controller / less DRAM bandwidth.
>> There is probably some cache setup required.
> That could be, but if that is the case then I don't know where to start
> looking for it. I certainly cannot find any such thing in allwinner;s
> boot0 / boot1 bootloader.

Me neither, although I suppose the kernel sets it up. It should only
be a few instructions to enable.

It would be nice to have some memory bandwidth testing code in U-Boot perhaps...

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