
On 23-12-14 05:36, Simon Glass wrote:
Hi Hans,

On 22 December 2014 at 09:45, Hans de Goede <hdego...@redhat.com> wrote:

On 21-12-14 19:52, Simon Glass wrote:


I ran up a banana PI and noticed that HDMI works in U-Boot. Great!

Scrolling seems very slow though - is the L2 cache disabled perhaps?

I don't think so, but it could be, I think the scrolling code is just
very inefficient. Feel free to poke things a bit around this, ARM
cache management is not my forte.

I think it need ssomething like the code in exynos/soc.c - see

Even with the 7 inch it's very slow.

Ok, I'll put looking into this on my TODO list, if someone who is more
knowledge beats me to it I won't complain :)

Also are there instructions for getting an LCD running in U-Boot? I
have an Olimex A20-OLinuxion-MICRO (what a mouthful!) with a 7 inch
display if that matters. I can't find any useful information so far.

He he, your in luck I've been working on LCD support the last few days,
and I just got the olimex 7" lcd running on olimex boards :)

If you use my current wip tree:


And build for the A20-OLinuXino_MICRO-lcd7_defconfig things should
just work, assuming you are using the standard olimex 7" lcd with
a standard 40 pins pata cable.

Note in order for the kernel to take over the fb you need a small
kernel patch on top of 3.19, I've attached the patch.

That's great, yes it works!

Looking at the patches, rather than adding new board configs and
CONFIGs I think it should be device-tree-controlled. Maybe an
environment variable could hold the display type?

I agree that ultimately this should all move to devicetree as mentioned
in this commit message:



As for using an environment variable, there is already video-mode env. var 
support, see
doc/README.video in my tree. I've considered also adding things like the LCD 
timings to
the environment but they really belong in a devicetree overlay, and if I add 
support for
them to the environment now I need to keep supporting that in the future. So 
the plan is
to use Kconfig for now, and move over to dt in the future.


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