This patch will enable the support for SPL on iMX6 SabreSD.
It tested on SD2 and SD3 mmc port.

It uses mx6dq_dram_iocfg and mx6_dram_cfg for ddr configuration.

Signed-off-by: John Tobias <>
 board/freescale/mx6sabresd/mx6sabresd.c | 186 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 184 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/board/freescale/mx6sabresd/mx6sabresd.c 
index 3d81fff..b1d259d 100644
--- a/board/freescale/mx6sabresd/mx6sabresd.c
+++ b/board/freescale/mx6sabresd/mx6sabresd.c
@@ -27,8 +27,12 @@
 #include <i2c.h>
 #include <power/pmic.h>
 #include <power/pfuze100_pmic.h>
+#include <asm/arch/mx6-ddr.h>
+#define BOOT_CFG       0x020D8004
 #define UART_PAD_CTRL  (PAD_CTL_PUS_100K_UP |                  \
        PAD_CTL_SPEED_MED | PAD_CTL_DSE_40ohm |                 \
@@ -55,8 +59,7 @@ DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR;
 int dram_init(void)
-       gd->ram_size = get_ram_size((void *)PHYS_SDRAM, PHYS_SDRAM_SIZE);
+       gd->ram_size = imx_ddr_size();
        return 0;
@@ -253,6 +256,7 @@ int board_mmc_getcd(struct mmc *mmc)
 int board_mmc_init(bd_t *bis)
        s32 status = 0;
        int i;
@@ -293,6 +297,43 @@ int board_mmc_init(bd_t *bis)
        return status;
+       unsigned reg = readl(BOOT_CFG) >> 11;
+       /*
+        * Upon reading BOOT_CFG register the following map is done:
+        * Bit 11 and 12 of BOOT_CFG register can determine the current
+        * mmc port
+        * 0x1                  SD1
+        * 0x2                  SD2
+        * 0x3                  SD4
+        */
+       switch (reg & 0x3) {
+       case 0x1:
+               imx_iomux_v3_setup_multiple_pads(
+                       usdhc2_pads, ARRAY_SIZE(usdhc2_pads));
+               usdhc_cfg[0].esdhc_base = USDHC2_BASE_ADDR;
+               usdhc_cfg[0].sdhc_clk = mxc_get_clock(MXC_ESDHC2_CLK);
+               gd->arch.sdhc_clk = usdhc_cfg[0].sdhc_clk;
+               break;
+       case 0x2:
+               imx_iomux_v3_setup_multiple_pads(
+                       usdhc3_pads, ARRAY_SIZE(usdhc3_pads));
+               usdhc_cfg[0].esdhc_base = USDHC3_BASE_ADDR;
+               usdhc_cfg[0].sdhc_clk = mxc_get_clock(MXC_ESDHC3_CLK);
+               gd->arch.sdhc_clk = usdhc_cfg[0].sdhc_clk;
+               break;
+       case 0x3:
+               imx_iomux_v3_setup_multiple_pads(
+                       usdhc4_pads, ARRAY_SIZE(usdhc4_pads));
+               usdhc_cfg[0].esdhc_base = USDHC4_BASE_ADDR;
+               usdhc_cfg[0].sdhc_clk = mxc_get_clock(MXC_ESDHC4_CLK);
+               gd->arch.sdhc_clk = usdhc_cfg[0].sdhc_clk;
+               break;
+       }
+       return fsl_esdhc_initialize(bis, &usdhc_cfg[0]);
@@ -607,3 +648,144 @@ int checkboard(void)
        puts("Board: MX6-SabreSD\n");
        return 0;
+#include <spl.h>
+#include <libfdt.h>
+const struct mx6dq_iomux_ddr_regs mx6_ddr_ioregs = {
+       .dram_sdclk_0 =  0x00020030,
+       .dram_sdclk_1 =  0x00020030,
+       .dram_cas =  0x00020030,
+       .dram_ras =  0x00020030,
+       .dram_reset =  0x00020030,
+       .dram_sdcke0 =  0x00003000,
+       .dram_sdcke1 =  0x00003000,
+       .dram_sdba2 =  0x00000000,
+       .dram_sdodt0 =  0x00003030,
+       .dram_sdodt1 =  0x00003030,
+       .dram_sdqs0 =  0x00000030,
+       .dram_sdqs1 =  0x00000030,
+       .dram_sdqs2 =  0x00000030,
+       .dram_sdqs3 =  0x00000030,
+       .dram_sdqs4 =  0x00000030,
+       .dram_sdqs5 =  0x00000030,
+       .dram_sdqs6 =  0x00000030,
+       .dram_sdqs7 =  0x00000030,
+       .dram_dqm0 =  0x00020030,
+       .dram_dqm1 =  0x00020030,
+       .dram_dqm2 =  0x00020030,
+       .dram_dqm3 =  0x00020030,
+       .dram_dqm4 =  0x00020030,
+       .dram_dqm5 =  0x00020030,
+       .dram_dqm6 =  0x00020030,
+       .dram_dqm7 =  0x00020030,
+const struct mx6dq_iomux_grp_regs mx6_grp_ioregs = {
+       .grp_ddr_type =  0x000C0000,
+       .grp_ddrmode_ctl =  0x00020000,
+       .grp_ddrpke =  0x00000000,
+       .grp_addds =  0x00000030,
+       .grp_ctlds =  0x00000030,
+       .grp_ddrmode =  0x00020000,
+       .grp_b0ds =  0x00000030,
+       .grp_b1ds =  0x00000030,
+       .grp_b2ds =  0x00000030,
+       .grp_b3ds =  0x00000030,
+       .grp_b4ds =  0x00000030,
+       .grp_b5ds =  0x00000030,
+       .grp_b6ds =  0x00000030,
+       .grp_b7ds =  0x00000030,
+const struct mx6_mmdc_calibration mx6_mmcd_calib = {
+       .p0_mpwldectrl0 =  0x001F001F,
+       .p0_mpwldectrl1 =  0x001F001F,
+       .p1_mpwldectrl0 =  0x00440044,
+       .p1_mpwldectrl1 =  0x00440044,
+       .p0_mpdgctrl0 =  0x434B0350,
+       .p0_mpdgctrl1 =  0x034C0359,
+       .p1_mpdgctrl0 =  0x434B0350,
+       .p1_mpdgctrl1 =  0x03650348,
+       .p0_mprddlctl =  0x4436383B,
+       .p1_mprddlctl =  0x39393341,
+       .p0_mpwrdlctl =  0x35373933,
+       .p1_mpwrdlctl =  0x48254A36,
+static struct mx6_ddr3_cfg mem_ddr = {
+       .mem_speed = 1600,
+       .density = 4,
+       .width = 64,
+       .banks = 8,
+       .rowaddr = 14,
+       .coladdr = 10,
+       .pagesz = 2,
+       .trcd = 1375,
+       .trcmin = 4875,
+       .trasmin = 3500,
+ * This section require the differentiation
+ * between iMX6 Sabre Families.
+ * But for now, it will configure only for
+ * SabreSD.
+ */
+static void spl_dram_init(void)
+       struct mx6_ddr_sysinfo sysinfo = {
+               /* width of data bus:0=16,1=32,2=64 */
+               .dsize = mem_ddr.width/32,
+               /* config for full 4GB range so that get_mem_size() works */
+               .cs_density = 32, /* 32Gb per CS */
+               /* single chip select */
+               .ncs = 2,
+               .cs1_mirror = 0,
+               .rtt_wr = 1 /*DDR3_RTT_60_OHM*/,        /* RTT_Wr = RZQ/4 */
+#ifdef RTT_NOM_120OHM
+               .rtt_nom = 2 /*DDR3_RTT_120_OHM*/,      /* RTT_Nom = RZQ/2 */
+               .rtt_nom = 1 /*DDR3_RTT_60_OHM*/,       /* RTT_Nom = RZQ/4 */
+               .walat = 1,     /* Write additional latency */
+               .ralat = 5,     /* Read additional latency */
+               .mif3_mode = 3, /* Command prediction working mode */
+               .bi_on = 1,     /* Bank interleaving enabled */
+               .sde_to_rst = 0x10,     /* 14 cycles, 200us (JEDEC default) */
+               .rst_to_cke = 0x23,     /* 33 cycles, 500us (JEDEC default) */
+       };
+       mx6dq_dram_iocfg(mem_ddr.width, &mx6_ddr_ioregs, &mx6_grp_ioregs);
+       mx6_dram_cfg(&sysinfo, &mx6_mmcd_calib, &mem_ddr);
+void board_init_f(ulong dummy)
+       /* setup AIPS and disable watchdog */
+       arch_cpu_init();
+       /* iomux and setup of i2c */
+       board_early_init_f();
+       /* setup GP timer */
+       timer_init();
+       /* UART clocks enabled and gd valid - init serial console */
+       preloader_console_init();
+       /* DDR initialization */
+       spl_dram_init();
+       /* Clear the BSS. */
+       memset(__bss_start, 0, __bss_end - __bss_start);
+       /* load/boot image from boot device */
+       board_init_r(NULL, 0);
+void reset_cpu(ulong addr)

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