On 09/03/2014 09:14 AM, Hannes Petermaier wrote:
On 09/03/2014 07:54 AM, Naitik Amin wrote:
Hi Hannes,

So I did as you had indicated and made some progress, so now, my
look as below.
#define CONFIG_SYS_MMC_ENV_DEV          0       /* device 0 */
#define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET               0x21900000

I calculated the env offset from the block number it was on based on
first block number of the partition.

Doing this on uboot startup, I dont get the warning saying, using
environment. Neither it complained abt crc error. So it liked it
But what it did is it trashed the partition which had my dtb and
Its a completely different partition. So after that, the bootup gets
halted. Any ideas ? What may have trashed the partition ?
Look at: http://www.mail-archive.com/u-boot@lists.denx.de/msg146396.html

and see if that's relevant, specifically the second patch which restores
the mmc device offset calculations to the values that correspond to the
partition number that's represented in the device structure.

Hi Peter,
i don't think that your patch has influence on this issue, due to no
partition switching is done anymore.

That may be the case: I missed most of the previous discussion of this issue. All I know is that if mmc->part_num is 0 when the MMC environment code is entered, then when it leaves the capacity and lba fields of the device are no longer correct. So it'd seemed plausible that if mmc_switch_part were invoked somewhere when looking for an environment partition it could explain an anomaly with subsequent use of the device.

Further i would like to check your patch series, i am not sure if there is
everything ok.
I will do so tommorow - i am right in thinking that you are using MMC not
eMMC ?

There is eMMC on the BeagleBone I'm using, but it's been zeroed and is not used. The problem arises in SPL mode on a uSD card with two partitions neither of which is an environment. For full context see the meta-ti email thread referenced in the cover letter.


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