HI there,

I recently made changes to my system, where I created a new partition on 
my mmc. (mmcblk0p4)

Then i dd'd a uboot env image into this partition, updated the 
fw_env.config to point to /dev/mmcblk0p4. At this point, my fw_printenv 
and fw_setenv work good. So as a next step, I am tried to modify uboot to 
make it point to my env image in my new partition.

I made below changes to my config header and rebuilt the uboot. On doing 
printenv from uboot, I dont see the same env that I pushed it from linux, 
infact I see it as its defined in the config header.

Can some one help ?

/* environment setting for MMC */
#define CONFIG_SYS_MMC_ENV_DEV          0       /* device 0 */
#define CONFIG_SYS_MMC_ENV_PART         4
#define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET               0       /* just after the MBR */

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