This board file supports standard features of Odroid X2 and U3 boards:
- Exynos4412 core clock set to 1000MHz and MPLL peripherial clock set to 800MHz,
- MAX77686 power regulator,
- enable XCL205 - power for board peripherials
- check board type: U3 or X2.
- enable Odroid U3 FAN cooler

Signed-off-by: Przemyslaw Marczak <>
Cc: Minkyu Kang <>
Cc: Tom Rini <>

Changes v2:
- enable fan on odroid U3

Changes v3:
- odroid.c: clean up board name related code
- odroid.c: remove static from set_board_type()
- odroid.c: add implementation of functions: get_dfu_alt_*
- odroid.c: include misc.h

Changes v4:
odroid.c: dfu_get_alt_boot: add call get_boot_mode()
 board/samsung/odroid/Makefile |   8 +
 board/samsung/odroid/odroid.c | 466 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 board/samsung/odroid/setup.h  | 227 ++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 701 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 board/samsung/odroid/Makefile
 create mode 100644 board/samsung/odroid/odroid.c
 create mode 100644 board/samsung/odroid/setup.h

diff --git a/board/samsung/odroid/Makefile b/board/samsung/odroid/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b98aaeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/samsung/odroid/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
+# Przemyslaw Marczak <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier:     GPL-2.0+
+obj-y  := odroid.o
diff --git a/board/samsung/odroid/odroid.c b/board/samsung/odroid/odroid.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28706af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/samsung/odroid/odroid.c
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Samsung Electronics
+ * Przemyslaw Marczak <>
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier:    GPL-2.0+
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <asm/arch/pinmux.h>
+#include <asm/arch/power.h>
+#include <asm/arch/clock.h>
+#include <asm/arch/gpio.h>
+#include <asm/gpio.h>
+#include <asm/arch/cpu.h>
+#include <power/pmic.h>
+#include <power/max77686_pmic.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <usb.h>
+#include <usb/s3c_udc.h>
+#include <samsung/misc.h>
+#include "setup.h"
+/* Odroid board types */
+enum {
+       ODROID_TYPE_U3,
+       ODROID_TYPE_X2,
+void set_board_type(void)
+       int val;
+       /* Check GPC1 pin 2 */
+       gpio_set_pull(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_C12, S5P_GPIO_PULL_NONE);
+       gpio_set_drv(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_C12, S5P_GPIO_DRV_4X);
+       gpio_direction_input(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_C12);
+       /* XCL205 - needs some latch time */
+       mdelay(10);
+       /* Check GPC1 pin2 - LED supplied by XCL205 - X2 only */
+       val = gpio_get_value(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_C12);
+       if (val)
+               gd->board_type = ODROID_TYPE_X2;
+       else
+               gd->board_type = ODROID_TYPE_U3;
+const char *get_board_name(void)
+       const char *board_name = "odroid";
+       return board_name;
+const char *get_board_type(void)
+       const char *board_type[] = {"u3", "x2"};
+       return board_type[gd->board_type];
+char *get_dfu_alt_system(void)
+       return getenv("dfu_alt_system");
+char *get_dfu_alt_boot(void)
+       char *alt_boot = NULL;
+       switch (get_boot_mode()) {
+       case BOOT_MODE_MMC:
+               alt_boot = CONFIG_DFU_ALT_BOOT_SD;
+               break;
+       default:
+               alt_boot = CONFIG_DFU_ALT_BOOT_EMMC;
+               break;
+       }
+       if (!alt_boot)
+               return NULL;
+       setenv("dfu_alt_boot", alt_boot);
+       return alt_boot;
+static void board_clock_init(void)
+       unsigned int set, clr, clr_src_cpu, clr_pll_con0, clr_src_dmc;
+       struct exynos4x12_clock *clk = (struct exynos4x12_clock *)
+                                               samsung_get_base_clock();
+       /*
+        * CMU_CPU clocks src to MPLL
+        * Bit values:                 0  ; 1
+        * MUX_APLL_SEL:        FIN_PLL   ; FOUT_APLL
+        * MUX_CORE_SEL:        MOUT_APLL ; SCLK_MPLL
+        * MUX_HPM_SEL:         MOUT_APLL ; SCLK_MPLL_USER_C
+       */
+       clr_src_cpu = MUX_APLL_SEL(0x1) | MUX_CORE_SEL(0x1) |
+                     MUX_HPM_SEL(0x1) | MUX_MPLL_USER_SEL_C(0x1);
+       set = MUX_APLL_SEL(0) | MUX_CORE_SEL(1) | MUX_HPM_SEL(1) |
+             MUX_MPLL_USER_SEL_C(1);
+       clrsetbits_le32(&clk->src_cpu, clr_src_cpu, set);
+       /* Wait for mux change */
+       while (readl(&clk->mux_stat_cpu) & MUX_STAT_CPU_CHANGING)
+               continue;
+       /* Set APLL to 1000MHz */
+       clr_pll_con0 = SDIV(0x7) | PDIV(0x3f) | MDIV(0x3ff) | FSEL(0x1);
+       set = SDIV(0) | PDIV(3) | MDIV(125) | FSEL(1);
+       clrsetbits_le32(&clk->apll_con0, clr_pll_con0, set);
+       /* Wait for PLL to be locked */
+       while (!(readl(&clk->apll_con0) & PLL_LOCKED_BIT))
+               continue;
+       /* Set CMU_CPU clocks src to APLL */
+       set = MUX_APLL_SEL(1) | MUX_CORE_SEL(0) | MUX_HPM_SEL(0) |
+             MUX_MPLL_USER_SEL_C(1);
+       clrsetbits_le32(&clk->src_cpu, clr_src_cpu, set);
+       /* Wait for mux change */
+       while (readl(&clk->mux_stat_cpu) & MUX_STAT_CPU_CHANGING)
+               continue;
+       set = CORE_RATIO(0) | COREM0_RATIO(2) | COREM1_RATIO(5) |
+             PERIPH_RATIO(0) | ATB_RATIO(4) | PCLK_DBG_RATIO(1) |
+             APLL_RATIO(0) | CORE2_RATIO(0);
+       /*
+        * Set dividers for MOUTcore = 1000 MHz
+        * coreout =      MOUT / (ratio + 1) = 1000 MHz (0)
+        * corem0 =     armclk / (ratio + 1) = 333 MHz (2)
+        * corem1 =     armclk / (ratio + 1) = 166 MHz (5)
+        * periph =     armclk / (ratio + 1) = 1000 MHz (0)
+        * atbout =       MOUT / (ratio + 1) = 200 MHz (4)
+        * pclkdbgout = atbout / (ratio + 1) = 100 MHz (1)
+        * sclkapll = MOUTapll / (ratio + 1) = 1000 MHz (0)
+        * core2out = core_out / (ratio + 1) = 1000 MHz (0) (armclk)
+       */
+       clr = CORE_RATIO(0x7) | COREM0_RATIO(0x7) | COREM1_RATIO(0x7) |
+             PERIPH_RATIO(0x7) | ATB_RATIO(0x7) | PCLK_DBG_RATIO(0x7) |
+             APLL_RATIO(0x7) | CORE2_RATIO(0x7);
+       clrsetbits_le32(&clk->div_cpu0, clr, set);
+       /* Wait for divider ready status */
+       while (readl(&clk->div_stat_cpu0) & DIV_STAT_CPU0_CHANGING)
+               continue;
+       /*
+        * For MOUThpm = 1000 MHz (MOUTapll)
+        * doutcopy = MOUThpm / (ratio + 1) = 200 (4)
+        * sclkhpm = doutcopy / (ratio + 1) = 200 (4)
+        * cores_out = armclk / (ratio + 1) = 1000 (0)
+        */
+       clr = COPY_RATIO(0x7) | HPM_RATIO(0x7) | CORES_RATIO(0x7);
+       set = COPY_RATIO(4) | HPM_RATIO(4) | CORES_RATIO(0);
+       clrsetbits_le32(&clk->div_cpu1, clr, set);
+       /* Wait for divider ready status */
+       while (readl(&clk->div_stat_cpu1) & DIV_STAT_CPU1_CHANGING)
+               continue;
+       /*
+        * Set CMU_DMC clocks src to APLL
+        * Bit values:             0  ; 1
+        * MUX_C2C_SEL:      SCLKMPLL ; SCLKAPLL
+        * MUX_PWI_SEL:      0110 (MPLL); 0111 (EPLL); 1000 (VPLL); 0(XXTI)
+        * MUX_G2D_ACP_SEL:  OUT_ACP0 ; OUT_ACP1
+       */
+       clr_src_dmc = MUX_C2C_SEL(0x1) | MUX_DMC_BUS_SEL(0x1) |
+                     MUX_DPHY_SEL(0x1) | MUX_MPLL_SEL(0x1) |
+                     MUX_PWI_SEL(0xf) | MUX_G2D_ACP0_SEL(0x1) |
+                     MUX_G2D_ACP1_SEL(0x1) | MUX_G2D_ACP_SEL(0x1);
+       set = MUX_C2C_SEL(1) | MUX_DMC_BUS_SEL(1) | MUX_DPHY_SEL(1) |
+             MUX_MPLL_SEL(0) | MUX_PWI_SEL(0) | MUX_G2D_ACP0_SEL(1) |
+             MUX_G2D_ACP1_SEL(1) | MUX_G2D_ACP_SEL(1);
+       clrsetbits_le32(&clk->src_dmc, clr_src_dmc, set);
+       /* Wait for mux change */
+       while (readl(&clk->mux_stat_dmc) & MUX_STAT_DMC_CHANGING)
+               continue;
+       /* Set MPLL to 800MHz */
+       set = SDIV(0) | PDIV(3) | MDIV(100) | FSEL(0) | PLL_ENABLE(1);
+       clrsetbits_le32(&clk->mpll_con0, clr_pll_con0, set);
+       /* Wait for PLL to be locked */
+       while (!(readl(&clk->mpll_con0) & PLL_LOCKED_BIT))
+               continue;
+       /* Switch back CMU_DMC mux */
+       set = MUX_C2C_SEL(0) | MUX_DMC_BUS_SEL(0) | MUX_DPHY_SEL(0) |
+             MUX_MPLL_SEL(1) | MUX_PWI_SEL(8) | MUX_G2D_ACP0_SEL(0) |
+             MUX_G2D_ACP1_SEL(0) | MUX_G2D_ACP_SEL(0);
+       clrsetbits_le32(&clk->src_dmc, clr_src_dmc, set);
+       /* Wait for mux change */
+       while (readl(&clk->mux_stat_dmc) & MUX_STAT_DMC_CHANGING)
+               continue;
+       /* CLK_DIV_DMC0 */
+       clr = ACP_RATIO(0x7) | ACP_PCLK_RATIO(0x7) | DPHY_RATIO(0x7) |
+             DMC_RATIO(0x7) | DMCD_RATIO(0x7) | DMCP_RATIO(0x7);
+       /*
+        * For:
+        * MOUTdmc = 800 MHz
+        * MOUTdphy = 800 MHz
+        *
+        * aclk_acp = MOUTdmc / (ratio + 1) = 200 (3)
+        * pclk_acp = aclk_acp / (ratio + 1) = 100 (1)
+        * sclk_dphy = MOUTdphy / (ratio + 1) = 400 (1)
+        * sclk_dmc = MOUTdmc / (ratio + 1) = 400 (1)
+        * aclk_dmcd = sclk_dmc / (ratio + 1) = 200 (1)
+        * aclk_dmcp = aclk_dmcd / (ratio + 1) = 100 (1)
+        */
+       set = ACP_RATIO(3) | ACP_PCLK_RATIO(1) | DPHY_RATIO(1) |
+             DMC_RATIO(1) | DMCD_RATIO(1) | DMCP_RATIO(1);
+       clrsetbits_le32(&clk->div_dmc0, clr, set);
+       /* Wait for divider ready status */
+       while (readl(&clk->div_stat_dmc0) & DIV_STAT_DMC0_CHANGING)
+               continue;
+       /* CLK_DIV_DMC1 */
+       clr = G2D_ACP_RATIO(0xf) | C2C_RATIO(0x7) | PWI_RATIO(0xf) |
+             C2C_ACLK_RATIO(0x7) | DVSEM_RATIO(0x7f) | DPM_RATIO(0x7f);
+       /*
+        * For:
+        * MOUTg2d = 800 MHz
+        * MOUTc2c = 800 Mhz
+        * MOUTpwi = 108 MHz
+        *
+        * sclk_g2d_acp = MOUTg2d / (ratio + 1) = 400 (1)
+        * sclk_c2c = MOUTc2c / (ratio + 1) = 400 (1)
+        * aclk_c2c = sclk_c2c / (ratio + 1) = 200 (1)
+        * sclk_pwi = MOUTpwi / (ratio + 1) = 18 (5)
+        */
+       set = G2D_ACP_RATIO(1) | C2C_RATIO(1) | PWI_RATIO(5) |
+             C2C_ACLK_RATIO(1) | DVSEM_RATIO(1) | DPM_RATIO(1);
+       clrsetbits_le32(&clk->div_dmc1, clr, set);
+       /* Wait for divider ready status */
+       while (readl(&clk->div_stat_dmc1) & DIV_STAT_DMC1_CHANGING)
+               continue;
+       /* CLK_SRC_PERIL0 */
+       clr = UART0_SEL(0xf) | UART1_SEL(0xf) | UART2_SEL(0xf) |
+             UART3_SEL(0xf) | UART4_SEL(0xf);
+       /*
+        * Set CLK_SRC_PERIL0 clocks src to MPLL
+        * src values: 0(XXTI); 1(XusbXTI); 2(SCLK_HDMI24M); 3(SCLK_USBPHY0);
+        *             5(SCLK_HDMIPHY); 6(SCLK_MPLL_USER_T); 7(SCLK_EPLL);
+        *             8(SCLK_VPLL)
+        *
+        * Set all to SCLK_MPLL_USER_T
+        */
+       set = UART0_SEL(6) | UART1_SEL(6) | UART2_SEL(6) | UART3_SEL(6) |
+             UART4_SEL(6);
+       clrsetbits_le32(&clk->src_peril0, clr, set);
+       /* CLK_DIV_PERIL0 */
+       clr = UART0_RATIO(0xf) | UART1_RATIO(0xf) | UART2_RATIO(0xf) |
+             UART3_RATIO(0xf) | UART4_RATIO(0xf);
+       /*
+        * For MOUTuart0-4: 800MHz
+        *
+        * SCLK_UARTx = MOUTuartX / (ratio + 1) = 100 (7)
+       */
+       set = UART0_RATIO(7) | UART1_RATIO(7) | UART2_RATIO(7) |
+             UART3_RATIO(7) | UART4_RATIO(7);
+       clrsetbits_le32(&clk->div_peril0, clr, set);
+       while (readl(&clk->div_stat_peril0) & DIV_STAT_PERIL0_CHANGING)
+               continue;
+       /* CLK_DIV_FSYS1 */
+       clr = MMC0_RATIO(0xf) | MMC0_PRE_RATIO(0xff) | MMC1_RATIO(0xf) |
+             MMC1_PRE_RATIO(0xff);
+       /*
+        * For MOUTmmc0-3 = 800 MHz (MPLL)
+        *
+        * DOUTmmc1 = MOUTmmc1 / (ratio + 1) = 100 (7)
+        * sclk_mmc1 = DOUTmmc1 / (ratio + 1) = 50 (1)
+        * DOUTmmc0 = MOUTmmc0 / (ratio + 1) = 100 (7)
+        * sclk_mmc0 = DOUTmmc0 / (ratio + 1) = 50 (1)
+       */
+       set = MMC0_RATIO(7) | MMC0_PRE_RATIO(1) | MMC1_RATIO(7) |
+             MMC1_PRE_RATIO(1);
+       clrsetbits_le32(&clk->div_fsys1, clr, set);
+       /* Wait for divider ready status */
+       while (readl(&clk->div_stat_fsys1) & DIV_STAT_FSYS1_CHANGING)
+               continue;
+       /* CLK_DIV_FSYS2 */
+       clr = MMC2_RATIO(0xf) | MMC2_PRE_RATIO(0xff) | MMC3_RATIO(0xf) |
+             MMC3_PRE_RATIO(0xff);
+       /*
+        * For MOUTmmc0-3 = 800 MHz (MPLL)
+        *
+        * DOUTmmc3 = MOUTmmc3 / (ratio + 1) = 100 (7)
+        * sclk_mmc3 = DOUTmmc3 / (ratio + 1) = 50 (1)
+        * DOUTmmc2 = MOUTmmc2 / (ratio + 1) = 100 (7)
+        * sclk_mmc2 = DOUTmmc2 / (ratio + 1) = 50 (1)
+       */
+       set = MMC2_RATIO(7) | MMC2_PRE_RATIO(1) | MMC3_RATIO(7) |
+             MMC3_PRE_RATIO(1);
+       clrsetbits_le32(&clk->div_fsys2, clr, set);
+       /* Wait for divider ready status */
+       while (readl(&clk->div_stat_fsys2) & DIV_STAT_FSYS2_CHANGING)
+               continue;
+       /* CLK_DIV_FSYS3 */
+       clr = MMC4_RATIO(0xf) | MMC4_PRE_RATIO(0xff);
+       /*
+        * For MOUTmmc4 = 800 MHz (MPLL)
+        *
+        * DOUTmmc4 = MOUTmmc4 / (ratio + 1) = 100 (7)
+        * sclk_mmc4 = DOUTmmc4 / (ratio + 1) = 100 (0)
+       */
+       set = MMC4_RATIO(7) | MMC4_PRE_RATIO(0);
+       clrsetbits_le32(&clk->div_fsys3, clr, set);
+       /* Wait for divider ready status */
+       while (readl(&clk->div_stat_fsys3) & DIV_STAT_FSYS3_CHANGING)
+               continue;
+       return;
+static void board_gpio_init(void)
+       /* Set GPA1 pin 1 to HI - enable XCL205 output */
+       gpio_set_pull(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_A11, S5P_GPIO_PULL_UP);
+       gpio_set_drv(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_A11, S5P_GPIO_DRV_4X);
+       gpio_direction_output(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_A11, 1);
+       gpio_cfg_pin(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_K12, S5P_GPIO_FUNC(0x1));
+       gpio_set_pull(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_K12, S5P_GPIO_PULL_NONE);
+       gpio_set_drv(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_K12, S5P_GPIO_DRV_4X);
+       /* Enable FAN (Odroid U3) */
+       gpio_set_pull(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_D00, S5P_GPIO_PULL_UP);
+       gpio_set_drv(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_D00, S5P_GPIO_DRV_4X);
+       gpio_direction_output(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_D00, 1);
+static int pmic_init_max77686(void)
+       struct pmic *p = pmic_get("MAX77686_PMIC");
+       if (pmic_probe(p))
+               return -ENODEV;
+       /* Set LDO Voltage */
+       max77686_set_ldo_voltage(p, 20, 1800000);       /* LDO20 eMMC */
+       max77686_set_ldo_voltage(p, 21, 2800000);       /* LDO21 SD */
+       max77686_set_ldo_voltage(p, 22, 2800000);       /* LDO22 eMMC */
+       return 0;
+static void board_init_i2c(void)
+       /* I2C_0 */
+       if (exynos_pinmux_config(PERIPH_ID_I2C0, PINMUX_FLAG_NONE))
+               debug("I2C%d not configured\n", (I2C_0));
+int exynos_early_init_f(void)
+       board_clock_init();
+       board_gpio_init();
+       return 0;
+int exynos_init(void)
+       return 0;
+int exynos_power_init(void)
+       board_init_i2c();
+       pmic_init(I2C_0);
+       pmic_init_max77686();
+       return 0;
+static int s5pc210_phy_control(int on)
+       struct pmic *p_pmic;
+       p_pmic = pmic_get("MAX77686_PMIC");
+       if (!p_pmic)
+               return -ENODEV;
+       if (pmic_probe(p_pmic))
+               return -1;
+       if (on)
+               return max77686_set_ldo_mode(p_pmic, 12, OPMODE_ON);
+       else
+               return max77686_set_ldo_mode(p_pmic, 12, OPMODE_LPM);
+struct s3c_plat_otg_data s5pc210_otg_data = {
+       .phy_control    = s5pc210_phy_control,
+       .regs_phy       = EXYNOS4X12_USBPHY_BASE,
+       .regs_otg       = EXYNOS4X12_USBOTG_BASE,
+       .usb_phy_ctrl   = EXYNOS4X12_USBPHY_CONTROL,
+       .usb_flags      = PHY0_SLEEP,
+int board_usb_init(int index, enum usb_init_type init)
+       debug("USB_udc_probe\n");
+       return s3c_udc_probe(&s5pc210_otg_data);
+void reset_misc(void)
+       /* Reset eMMC*/
+       gpio_set_value(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_K12, 0);
+       mdelay(10);
+       gpio_set_value(EXYNOS4X12_GPIO_K12, 1);
diff --git a/board/samsung/odroid/setup.h b/board/samsung/odroid/setup.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..982d676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/samsung/odroid/setup.h
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 Samsung Electronics
+ * Przemyslaw Marczak <>
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier:    GPL-2.0+
+ */
+#ifndef __ODROIDU3_SETUP__
+#define __ODROIDU3_SETUP__
+/* A/M PLL_CON0 */
+#define SDIV(x)                 (x & 0x7)
+#define PDIV(x)                 ((x & 0x3f) << 8)
+#define MDIV(x)                 ((x & 0x3ff) << 16)
+#define FSEL(x)                 ((x & 0x1) << 27)
+#define PLL_LOCKED_BIT          (0x1 << 29)
+#define PLL_ENABLE(x)           ((x & 0x1) << 31)
+/* CLK_SRC_CPU */
+#define MUX_APLL_SEL(x)         (x & 0x1)
+#define MUX_CORE_SEL(x)         ((x & 0x1) << 16)
+#define MUX_HPM_SEL(x)          ((x & 0x1) << 20)
+#define MUX_MPLL_USER_SEL_C(x)  ((x & 0x1) << 24)
+#define MUX_STAT_CHANGING       0x100
+#define APLL_SEL(x)             (x & 0x7)
+#define CORE_SEL(x)             ((x & 0x7) << 16)
+#define HPM_SEL(x)              ((x & 0x7) << 20)
+#define MPLL_USER_SEL_C(x)      ((x & 0x7) << 24)
+                               CORE_SEL(MUX_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               HPM_SEL(MUX_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               MPLL_USER_SEL_C(MUX_STAT_CHANGING))
+/* CLK_DIV_CPU0 */
+#define CORE_RATIO(x)           (x & 0x7)
+#define COREM0_RATIO(x)         ((x & 0x7) << 4)
+#define COREM1_RATIO(x)         ((x & 0x7) << 8)
+#define PERIPH_RATIO(x)         ((x & 0x7) << 12)
+#define ATB_RATIO(x)            ((x & 0x7) << 16)
+#define PCLK_DBG_RATIO(x)       ((x & 0x7) << 20)
+#define APLL_RATIO(x)           ((x & 0x7) << 24)
+#define CORE2_RATIO(x)          ((x & 0x7) << 28)
+#define DIV_CORE(x)             (x & 0x1)
+#define DIV_COREM0(x)           ((x & 0x1) << 4)
+#define DIV_COREM1(x)           ((x & 0x1) << 8)
+#define DIV_PERIPH(x)           ((x & 0x1) << 12)
+#define DIV_ATB(x)              ((x & 0x1) << 16)
+#define DIV_PCLK_DBG(x)         ((x & 0x1) << 20)
+#define DIV_APLL(x)             ((x & 0x1) << 24)
+#define DIV_CORE2(x)            ((x & 0x1) << 28)
+#define DIV_STAT_CHANGING       0x1
+                               DIV_COREM0(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               DIV_COREM1(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               DIV_PERIPH(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               DIV_ATB(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               DIV_PCLK_DBG(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               DIV_APLL(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               DIV_CORE2(DIV_STAT_CHANGING))
+/* CLK_DIV_CPU1 */
+#define COPY_RATIO(x)           (x & 0x7)
+#define HPM_RATIO(x)            ((x & 0x7) << 4)
+#define CORES_RATIO(x)          ((x & 0x7) << 8)
+#define DIV_COPY(x)             (x & 0x7)
+#define DIV_HPM(x)              ((x & 0x1) << 4)
+#define DIV_CORES(x)            ((x & 0x1) << 8)
+                               DIV_HPM(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               DIV_CORES(DIV_STAT_CHANGING))
+/* CLK_SRC_DMC */
+#define MUX_C2C_SEL(x)         (x & 0x1)
+#define MUX_DMC_BUS_SEL(x)     ((x & 0x1) << 4)
+#define MUX_DPHY_SEL(x)                ((x & 0x1) << 8)
+#define MUX_MPLL_SEL(x)                ((x & 0x1) << 12)
+#define MUX_PWI_SEL(x)         ((x & 0xf) << 16)
+#define MUX_G2D_ACP0_SEL(x)    ((x & 0x1) << 20)
+#define MUX_G2D_ACP1_SEL(x)    ((x & 0x1) << 24)
+#define MUX_G2D_ACP_SEL(x)     ((x & 0x1) << 28)
+#define C2C_SEL(x)             ((x) & 0x7)
+#define DMC_BUS_SEL(x)         ((x & 0x7) << 4)
+#define DPHY_SEL(x)            ((x & 0x7) << 8)
+#define MPLL_SEL(x)            ((x & 0x7) << 12)
+/* #define PWI_SEL(x)          ((x & 0xf) << 16)  - Reserved */
+#define G2D_ACP0_SEL(x)                ((x & 0x7) << 20)
+#define G2D_ACP1_SEL(x)                ((x & 0x7) << 24)
+#define G2D_ACP_SEL(x)         ((x & 0x7) << 28)
+                               DMC_BUS_SEL(MUX_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               DPHY_SEL(MUX_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               MPLL_SEL(MUX_STAT_CHANGING) |\
+                               G2D_ACP0_SEL(MUX_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               G2D_ACP1_SEL(MUX_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               G2D_ACP_SEL(MUX_STAT_CHANGING))
+/* CLK_DIV_DMC0 */
+#define ACP_RATIO(x)           (x & 0x7)
+#define ACP_PCLK_RATIO(x)      ((x & 0x7) << 4)
+#define DPHY_RATIO(x)          ((x & 0x7) << 8)
+#define DMC_RATIO(x)           ((x & 0x7) << 12)
+#define DMCD_RATIO(x)          ((x & 0x7) << 16)
+#define DMCP_RATIO(x)          ((x & 0x7) << 20)
+#define DIV_ACP(x)             (x & 0x1)
+#define DIV_ACP_PCLK(x)                ((x & 0x1) << 4)
+#define DIV_DPHY(x)            ((x & 0x1) << 8)
+#define DIV_DMC(x)             ((x & 0x1) << 12)
+#define DIV_DMCD(x)            ((x & 0x1) << 16)
+#define DIV_DMCP(x)            ((x & 0x1) << 20)
+                               DIV_ACP_PCLK(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               DIV_DPHY(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               DIV_DMC(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               DIV_DMCD(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               DIV_DMCP(DIV_STAT_CHANGING))
+/* CLK_DIV_DMC1 */
+#define G2D_ACP_RATIO(x)       (x & 0xf)
+#define C2C_RATIO(x)           ((x & 0x7) << 4)
+#define PWI_RATIO(x)           ((x & 0xf) << 8)
+#define C2C_ACLK_RATIO(x)      ((x & 0x7) << 12)
+#define DVSEM_RATIO(x)         ((x & 0x7f) << 16)
+#define DPM_RATIO(x)           ((x & 0x7f) << 24)
+#define DIV_G2D_ACP(x)         (x & 0x1)
+#define DIV_C2C(x)             ((x & 0x1) << 4)
+#define DIV_PWI(x)             ((x & 0x1) << 8)
+#define DIV_C2C_ACLK(x)                ((x & 0x1) << 12)
+#define DIV_DVSEM(x)           ((x & 0x1) << 16)
+#define DIV_DPM(x)             ((x & 0x1) << 24)
+                               DIV_C2C(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               DIV_PWI(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               DIV_C2C_ACLK(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               DIV_DVSEM(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                               DIV_DPM(DIV_STAT_CHANGING))
+/* Set CLK_SRC_PERIL0 */
+#define UART4_SEL(x)           ((x & 0xf) << 16)
+#define UART3_SEL(x)           ((x & 0xf) << 12)
+#define UART2_SEL(x)           ((x & 0xf) << 8)
+#define UART1_SEL(x)           ((x & 0xf) << 4)
+#define UART0_SEL(x)           ((x) & 0xf)
+/* Set CLK_DIV_PERIL0 */
+#define UART4_RATIO(x)         ((x & 0xf) << 16)
+#define UART3_RATIO(x)         ((x & 0xf) << 12)
+#define UART2_RATIO(x)         ((x & 0xf) << 8)
+#define UART1_RATIO(x)         ((x & 0xf) << 4)
+#define UART0_RATIO(x)         ((x) & 0xf)
+#define DIV_UART4(x)           ((x & 0x1) << 16)
+#define DIV_UART3(x)           ((x & 0x1) << 12)
+#define DIV_UART2(x)           ((x & 0x1) << 8)
+#define DIV_UART1(x)           ((x & 0x1) << 4)
+#define DIV_UART0(x)           ((x) & 0x1)
+                                       DIV_UART3(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                                       DIV_UART2(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                                       DIV_UART1(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                                       DIV_UART0(DIV_STAT_CHANGING))
+/* CLK_DIV_FSYS1 */
+#define MMC0_RATIO(x)          ((x) & 0xf)
+#define MMC0_PRE_RATIO(x)      ((x & 0xff) << 8)
+#define MMC1_RATIO(x)          ((x & 0xf) << 16)
+#define MMC1_PRE_RATIO(x)      ((x & 0xff) << 24)
+#define DIV_MMC0(x)            ((x) & 1)
+#define DIV_MMC0_PRE(x)                ((x & 1) << 8)
+#define DIV_MMC1(x)            ((x & 1) << 16)
+#define DIV_MMC1_PRE(x)                ((x & 1) << 24)
+#define DIV_STAT_FSYS1_CHANGING                (DIV_MMC0(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                                       DIV_MMC0_PRE(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                                       DIV_MMC1(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                                       DIV_MMC1_PRE(DIV_STAT_CHANGING))
+/* CLK_DIV_FSYS2 */
+#define MMC2_RATIO(x)          (x & 0xf)
+#define MMC2_PRE_RATIO(x)      ((x & 0xff) << 8)
+#define MMC3_RATIO(x)          ((x & 0xf) << 16)
+#define MMC3_PRE_RATIO(x)      ((x & 0xff) << 24)
+#define DIV_MMC2(x)            (x & 0x1)
+#define DIV_MMC2_PRE(x)                ((x & 0x1) << 8)
+#define DIV_MMC3(x)            ((x & 0x1) << 16)
+#define DIV_MMC3_PRE(x)                ((x & 0x1) << 24)
+#define DIV_STAT_FSYS2_CHANGING                (DIV_MMC2(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                                       DIV_MMC2_PRE(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                                       DIV_MMC3(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                                       DIV_MMC3_PRE(DIV_STAT_CHANGING))
+/* CLK_DIV_FSYS3 */
+#define MMC4_RATIO(x)          (x & 0x7)
+#define MMC4_PRE_RATIO(x)      ((x & 0xff) << 8)
+#define DIV_MMC4(x)            (x & 0x1)
+#define DIV_MMC4_PRE(x)                ((x & 0x1) << 8)
+#define DIV_STAT_FSYS3_CHANGING                (DIV_MMC4(DIV_STAT_CHANGING) | \
+                                       DIV_MMC4_PRE(DIV_STAT_CHANGING))
+#endif /*__ODROIDU3_SETUP__ */

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