On 06/12/2014 03:46 AM, Przemyslaw Marczak wrote:
> This patch introduces new feature: initialization of the dfu
> bootloader entity from a separate environmental variable which
> can be set on a boot time.
> By default, DFU always check environmental variable: $dfu_alt_info.
> Changes:
> - DFU will also look for environmental variable: $dfu_alt_bootloader
> - if any of dfu_alt_* variable is properly defined, then function
>   dfu_init_env_entities() will return success.
> Use case:
> Some devices can boot from various media type (SD, eMMC, NAND, etc.)
> or some board configs are common for more than one board type.
> In a such case, bootloader is probably placed on a different
> devices or even offsets. So such DFU feature is welcome.

Why should the "dfu" command look at different environment variables?
Whatever code dynamically sets the value of $dfu_alt_bootloader should
simply set $dfu_alt_info instead.
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