Hello Albert, hello Tom,

Albert ARIBAUD <albert.u.b...@aribaud.net> writes:

[Move environment to account for increase in U-Boot size]
> This patch is for 2013.10, not 2013.07, but I prefer raising the issue
> as early as possible.
> If there is no way to make things smoother, then I think the 2013.10
> release notes should contain a red, blinking, paragraph about this. I
> would *hate* it if people were not warned and given a method to port
> their current environment setting over.
> Possibly even, the 2013.07 could have a warning about the change to
> come, so that people have a better chance yet to prepare for the
> change.

The situation has gotten better recently and U-Boot fits into the
previous partition size of 384KiB again. So it isn't broken on OpenRD
anymore and the above would seem like a good approach.

Where are the U-Boot Release Notes located? Who is responsible for
editing them?


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