Hi Sascha,

On Mon, 15 Jul 2013 08:19:57 -0400, Tom Rini <tr...@ti.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 11:23:54AM +0200, Sascha Silbe wrote:
> > Albert ARIBAUD <albert.u.b...@aribaud.net> writes:
> > 
> > >> The situation has gotten better recently and U-Boot fits into the
> > >> previous partition size of 384KiB again. So it isn't broken on OpenRD
> > >> anymore and the above would seem like a good approach.
> > > How well does it fit again, and do you have any idea what caused the
> > > increase in size, and what caused the decrease?
> > 
> > I had the same questions and tried a few buildman runs, but didn't get a
> > clear picture. The size was going up and down for various slices of
> > commits.
> > 
> > With v2013.07-rc3, we are now at 376344B (??? 96% of 384KiB) for
> > openrd_ultimate when built on Debian Wheezy using
> > gcc-4.7-arm-linux-gnueabi from Emdebian.
> > 
> > Is there an equivalent to CONFIG_SPL_MAX_SIZE for the "regular" U-Boot?
> > Detecting the overlap at build time would prevent bricking the device
> > using saveenv at run time. As an additional benefit, commits that push
> > the size beyond the limit would also show up in buildman reports as
> > build failures.
> Yes, you can try using CONFIG_BOARD_SIZE_LIMIT, which is missing from
> the README, but does have a few examples (git grep around).  A patch to
> document it, and then a patch to enable for openrd would be much
> appreciated.  Thanks!

Sascha, does this mean the env relocate patch here is dropped in favor
of a CONFIG_BOARD_SIZE_LIMIT check at build time?

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