On 09:57 Wed 01 Apr     , Remy Bohmer wrote:
> Hello Jean-Christophe,
> >> And that is exactly the issue here. The discussion is about moving
> >> 'platform USB init code' to generic driver code.
> >> I would have no problems with moving real USB drivers to the generic
> >> driver section, if they are cleaned from board specific code, of
> >> course.
> > in our case it's not a cpu specify init but an IP init which is share to
> > multiple soc for multiple arch
> IMHO, that still does not justify it to make it part of the generic drivers.
> And I already mentioned yesterday, that I agree that it does not
> really belong in the cpu section as well.
> We should not pollute one area by cleaning another area.
> So, we seem to be lacking a SoC/board specific section, like the linux
> kernel handles it.
btw in linux the similar usb code is here

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