On 04/29/2013 03:21 AM, Jim Lin wrote:
> Add DT node for USB function.

> diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/tegra114.dtsi b/arch/arm/dts/tegra114.dtsi

> +/* This table has USB timing parameters for each Oscillator frequency we
> + * support. There are four sets of values:
> + *
> + * 1. PLLU configuration information (reference clock is osc/clk_m and
> + * PLLU-FOs are fixed at 12MHz/60MHz/480MHz).
> + * Reference frequency MHZ 12.0  13.0 19.2  26.0
> + * ----------------------------------------------------
> + *      DIVN              960   960    200   960
> + *      DIVM               12    13      4    26
> + *      CPCON              12    12      3    12
> + *      LFCON               2     2      2     2
> + *
> + * 2. PLL CONFIGURATION & PARAMETERS for different clock generators:
> + * Reference frequency MHZ 12.0  13.0  19.2  26.0
> + * ----------------------------------------------------
> + * PLLU_ENABLE_DLY_COUNT   02     2     3     4
> + * PLLU_STABLE_COUNT       47    51    75   102
> + * PLL_ACTIVE_DLY_COUNT    08     9    12     9
> + * XTAL_FREQ_COUNT        118   127   188   254
> + *
> + * 3. Debounce values IdDig, Avalid, Bvalid, VbusValid, VbusWakeUp, and
> + * SessEnd. Each of these signals have their own debouncer and for each of
> + * those one out of two debouncing times can be chosen (BIAS_DEBOUNCE_A or
> + *
> + * The values of DEBOUNCE_A and DEBOUNCE_B are calculated as follows:
> + *    0xffff -> No debouncing at all
> + *    <n> ms = <n> * 1000 / (1/19.2MHz) / 4
> + *
> + * So to program a 10 ms debounce for BIAS_DEBOUNCE_A, we have:
> + * BIAS_DEBOUNCE_A[15:0] = 10 * 1000 * 19.2 / 4  = 48000 = 0xBB80
> + *
> + * We need to use only DebounceA for BOOTROM. We don't need the DebounceB
> + * values, so we can keep those to default.
> + *
> + * 4. The 20 microsecond delay after bias cell operation.
> + *
> + * enum {
> + *   PARAM_DIVN,                     // PLL FEEDBACK DIVIDER
> + *   PARAM_DIVM,                     // PLL INPUT DIVIDER
> + *   PARAM_DIVP,                     // POST DIVIDER (2^N)
> + *   PARAM_CPCON,                    // BASE PLLC CHARGE Pump setup ctrl
> + *   PARAM_LFCON,                    // BASE PLLC LOOP FILter setup ctrl
> + *   PARAM_ENABLE_DELAY_COUNT,       // PLL-U Enable Delay Count
> + *   PARAM_STABLE_COUNT,             // PLL-U STABLE count
> + *   PARAM_ACTIVE_DELAY_COUNT,       // PLL-U Active delay count
> + *   PARAM_XTAL_FREQ_COUNT,          // PLL-U XTAL frequency count
> + *   PARAM_BIAS_TIME,                // 20US DELAY AFter bias cell op
> + *                                   // UTMIP_BIAS_PAD_TRK_COUNT
> + *};
> + */
> +     usbparams@0 {
> +             compatible = "nvidia,usbparams";
> +             osc-frequency = <13000000>;
> +             /* DivN, DivM, DivP, CPCON, LFCON, Delays      Debounce, Bias */
> +             params = <0x3c0 0x0d 0x00 0xc 2  0x02 0x33 0x09 0x7f  0x7ef4 6>;
> +     };
> +
> +     usbparams@1 {
> +             compatible = "nvidia,usbparams";
> +             osc-frequency = <19200000>;
> +             params = <0x0c8 0x04 0x00 0x3 2  0x03 0x4b 0x0c 0xbc  0xbb80 8>;
> +     };
> +
> +     usbparams@2 {
> +             compatible = "nvidia,usbparams";
> +             osc-frequency = <12000000>;
> +             params = <0x3c0 0x0c 0x00 0xc 2  0x02 0x2f 0x08 0x76  0x7530 5>;
> +     };
> +
> +     usbparams@3 {
> +             compatible = "nvidia,usbparams";
> +             osc-frequency = <26000000>;
> +             params = <0x3c0 0x1a 0x00 0xc 2  0x04 0x66 0x09 0xfe  0xfde8 
> 0xb>;
> +     };

None of the above should be present; this is SoC-specific information
and should be part of the USB driver itself. There's no benefit to
putting the information into DT just to parse it back out into the same
tables that the driver could have contained in the first place.

The same comment applies to all 3 tegra*.dtsi files. For the Tegra20
case, please make sure that what you add here is identical to what has
been proposed for the final kernel USB bindings. Ask Venu (now CC'd) for
a pointer to that.

> +     usb@7d000000 {
> +             compatible = "nvidia,tegra30-ehci", "nvidia,tegra114-ehci";
> +             reg = <0x7d000000 0x4000>;
> +             interrupts = < 52 >;

There shouldn't be spaces after < or before >.

The bindings here don't match the kernel. Please make sure they do.

This patch only touches 2 board files: Cardhu and Dalmore. Will USB
support on other boards continue to work without any DT changes?
Existing functionality can't be broken. I'd expect to see a bunch more
DT files edited here.
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