Add DT node for USB function.

Signed-off-by: Jim Lin <>
 arch/arm/dts/tegra114.dtsi            |  105 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 arch/arm/dts/tegra20.dtsi             |   81 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 arch/arm/dts/tegra30.dtsi             |  108 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 board/nvidia/dts/tegra114-dalmore.dts |    7 ++
 board/nvidia/dts/tegra30-cardhu.dts   |    6 ++
 include/fdtdec.h                      |    2 +
 lib/fdtdec.c                          |    2 +
 7 files changed, 311 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/tegra114.dtsi b/arch/arm/dts/tegra114.dtsi
index f86d18d..0f8387b 100644
--- a/arch/arm/dts/tegra114.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/dts/tegra114.dtsi
@@ -216,4 +216,109 @@
                clocks = <&tegra_car 15>;
                status = "disable";
+/* This table has USB timing parameters for each Oscillator frequency we
+ * support. There are four sets of values:
+ *
+ * 1. PLLU configuration information (reference clock is osc/clk_m and
+ * PLLU-FOs are fixed at 12MHz/60MHz/480MHz).
+ * Reference frequency MHZ 12.0  13.0 19.2  26.0
+ * ----------------------------------------------------
+ *      DIVN              960   960    200   960
+ *      DIVM               12    13      4    26
+ *      CPCON              12    12      3    12
+ *      LFCON               2     2      2     2
+ *
+ * 2. PLL CONFIGURATION & PARAMETERS for different clock generators:
+ * Reference frequency MHZ 12.0  13.0  19.2  26.0
+ * ----------------------------------------------------
+ * PLLU_ENABLE_DLY_COUNT   02     2     3     4
+ * PLLU_STABLE_COUNT       47    51    75   102
+ * PLL_ACTIVE_DLY_COUNT    08     9    12     9
+ * XTAL_FREQ_COUNT        118   127   188   254
+ *
+ * 3. Debounce values IdDig, Avalid, Bvalid, VbusValid, VbusWakeUp, and
+ * SessEnd. Each of these signals have their own debouncer and for each of
+ * those one out of two debouncing times can be chosen (BIAS_DEBOUNCE_A or
+ *
+ * The values of DEBOUNCE_A and DEBOUNCE_B are calculated as follows:
+ *    0xffff -> No debouncing at all
+ *    <n> ms = <n> * 1000 / (1/19.2MHz) / 4
+ *
+ * So to program a 10 ms debounce for BIAS_DEBOUNCE_A, we have:
+ * BIAS_DEBOUNCE_A[15:0] = 10 * 1000 * 19.2 / 4  = 48000 = 0xBB80
+ *
+ * We need to use only DebounceA for BOOTROM. We don't need the DebounceB
+ * values, so we can keep those to default.
+ *
+ * 4. The 20 microsecond delay after bias cell operation.
+ *
+ * enum {
+ *     PARAM_DIVN,                     // PLL FEEDBACK DIVIDER
+ *     PARAM_DIVM,                     // PLL INPUT DIVIDER
+ *     PARAM_DIVP,                     // POST DIVIDER (2^N)
+ *     PARAM_CPCON,                    // BASE PLLC CHARGE Pump setup ctrl
+ *     PARAM_LFCON,                    // BASE PLLC LOOP FILter setup ctrl
+ *     PARAM_ENABLE_DELAY_COUNT,       // PLL-U Enable Delay Count
+ *     PARAM_STABLE_COUNT,             // PLL-U STABLE count
+ *     PARAM_ACTIVE_DELAY_COUNT,       // PLL-U Active delay count
+ *     PARAM_XTAL_FREQ_COUNT,          // PLL-U XTAL frequency count
+ *     PARAM_BIAS_TIME,                // 20US DELAY AFter bias cell op
+ *                                     // UTMIP_BIAS_PAD_TRK_COUNT
+ *};
+ */
+       usbparams@0 {
+               compatible = "nvidia,usbparams";
+               osc-frequency = <13000000>;
+               /* DivN, DivM, DivP, CPCON, LFCON, Delays      Debounce, Bias */
+               params = <0x3c0 0x0d 0x00 0xc 2  0x02 0x33 0x09 0x7f  0x7ef4 6>;
+       };
+       usbparams@1 {
+               compatible = "nvidia,usbparams";
+               osc-frequency = <19200000>;
+               params = <0x0c8 0x04 0x00 0x3 2  0x03 0x4b 0x0c 0xbc  0xbb80 8>;
+       };
+       usbparams@2 {
+               compatible = "nvidia,usbparams";
+               osc-frequency = <12000000>;
+               params = <0x3c0 0x0c 0x00 0xc 2  0x02 0x2f 0x08 0x76  0x7530 5>;
+       };
+       usbparams@3 {
+               compatible = "nvidia,usbparams";
+               osc-frequency = <26000000>;
+               params = <0x3c0 0x1a 0x00 0xc 2  0x04 0x66 0x09 0xfe  0xfde8 
+       };
+       usb@7d000000 {
+               compatible = "nvidia,tegra30-ehci", "nvidia,tegra114-ehci";
+               reg = <0x7d000000 0x4000>;
+               interrupts = < 52 >;
+               phy_type = "utmi";
+               clocks = <&tegra_car 22>;       /* PERIPH_ID_USBD */
+               status = "disabled";
+       };
+       usb@7d004000 {
+               compatible = "nvidia,tegra30-ehci", "nvidia,tegra114-ehci";
+               reg = <0x7d004000 0x4000>;
+               interrupts = < 53 >;
+               phy_type = "utmi";
+               clocks = <&tegra_car 58>;       /* PERIPH_ID_USB2 */
+               status = "disabled";
+       };
+       usb@7d008000 {
+               compatible = "nvidia,tegra30-ehci", "nvidia,tegra114-ehci";
+               reg = <0x7d008000 0x4000>;
+               interrupts = < 129 >;
+               phy_type = "utmi";
+               clocks = <&tegra_car 59>;       /* PERIPH_ID_USB3 */
+               status = "disabled";
+       };
diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/tegra20.dtsi b/arch/arm/dts/tegra20.dtsi
index 3805750..d0e39b4 100644
--- a/arch/arm/dts/tegra20.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/dts/tegra20.dtsi
@@ -290,6 +290,87 @@
                reg = <0x7000f400 0x200>;
+/* This table has USB timing parameters for each Oscillator frequency we
+ * support. There are four sets of values:
+ *
+ * 1. PLLU configuration information (reference clock is osc/clk_m and
+ * PLLU-FOs are fixed at 12MHz/60MHz/480MHz).
+ *
+ *  Reference frequency     13.0MHz      19.2MHz      12.0MHz      26.0MHz
+ *  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *      DIVN                960 (0x3c0)  200 (0c8)    960 (3c0h)   960 (3c0)
+ *      DIVM                13 (0d)      4 (04)       12 (0c)      26 (1a)
+ * Filter frequency (MHz)   1            4.8          6            2
+ * CPCON                    1100b        0011b        1100b        1100b
+ * LFCON0                   0            0            0            0
+ *
+ * 2. PLL CONFIGURATION & PARAMETERS for different clock generators:
+ *
+ * Reference frequency     13.0MHz         19.2MHz         12.0MHz     26.0MHz
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * PLLU_ENABLE_DLY_COUNT   02 (0x02)       03 (03)         02 (02)     04 (04)
+ * PLLU_STABLE_COUNT       51 (33)         75 (4B)         47 (2F)    102 (66)
+ * PLL_ACTIVE_DLY_COUNT    05 (05)         06 (06)         04 (04)     09 (09)
+ * XTAL_FREQ_COUNT        127 (7F)        187 (BB)        118 (76)    254 (FE)
+ *
+ * 3. Debounce values IdDig, Avalid, Bvalid, VbusValid, VbusWakeUp, and
+ * SessEnd. Each of these signals have their own debouncer and for each of
+ * those one out of two debouncing times can be chosen (BIAS_DEBOUNCE_A or
+ *
+ * The values of DEBOUNCE_A and DEBOUNCE_B are calculated as follows:
+ *    0xffff -> No debouncing at all
+ *    <n> ms = <n> * 1000 / (1/19.2MHz) / 4
+ *
+ * So to program a 10 ms debounce for BIAS_DEBOUNCE_A, we have:
+ * BIAS_DEBOUNCE_A[15:0] = 10 * 1000 * 19.2 / 4  = 48000 = 0xBB80
+ *
+ * We need to use only DebounceA for BOOTROM. We don't need the DebounceB
+ * values, so we can keep those to default.
+ *
+ * 4. The 20 microsecond delay after bias cell operation.
+ *
+ * enum {
+ *     PARAM_DIVN,                     // PLL FEEDBACK DIVIDER
+ *     PARAM_DIVM,                     // PLL INPUT DIVIDER
+ *     PARAM_DIVP,                     // POST DIVIDER (2^N)
+ *     PARAM_CPCON,                    // BASE PLLC CHARGE Pump setup ctrl
+ *     PARAM_LFCON,                    // BASE PLLC LOOP FILter setup ctrl
+ *     PARAM_ENABLE_DELAY_COUNT,       // PLL-U Enable Delay Count
+ *     PARAM_STABLE_COUNT,             // PLL-U STABLE count
+ *     PARAM_ACTIVE_DELAY_COUNT,       // PLL-U Active delay count
+ *     PARAM_XTAL_FREQ_COUNT,          // PLL-U XTAL frequency count
+ *     PARAM_BIAS_TIME,                // 20US DELAY AFter bias cell op
+ *                                     // UTMIP_BIAS_PAD_TRK_COUNT
+ *};
+ */
+       usbparams@0 {
+               compatible = "nvidia,usbparams";
+               osc-frequency = <13000000>;
+               /* DivN, DivM, DivP, CPCON, LFCON, Delays      Debounce, Bias */
+               params = <0x3c0 0x0d 0x00 0xc 0  0x02 0x33 0x05 0x7f  0x7ef4 5>;
+       };
+       usbparams@1 {
+               compatible = "nvidia,usbparams";
+               osc-frequency = <19200000>;
+               params = <0x0c8 0x04 0x00 0x3 0  0x03 0x4b 0x06 0xbb  0xbb80 7>;
+       };
+       usbparams@2 {
+               compatible = "nvidia,usbparams";
+               osc-frequency = <12000000>;
+               params = <0x3c0 0x0c 0x00 0xc 0  0x02 0x2f 0x04 0x76  0x7530 5>;
+       };
+       usbparams@3 {
+               compatible = "nvidia,usbparams";
+               osc-frequency = <26000000>;
+               params = <0x3c0 0x1a 0x00 0xc 0  0x04 0x66 0x09 0xfe  0xfde8 9>;
+       };
        usb@c5000000 {
                compatible = "nvidia,tegra20-ehci", "usb-ehci";
                reg = <0xc5000000 0x4000>;
diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/tegra30.dtsi b/arch/arm/dts/tegra30.dtsi
index ccf154f..3e6fbc4 100644
--- a/arch/arm/dts/tegra30.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/dts/tegra30.dtsi
@@ -216,4 +216,112 @@
                clocks = <&tegra_car 15>;
                status = "disabled";
+/* This table has USB timing parameters for each Oscillator frequency we
+ * support. There are four sets of values:
+ *
+ * 1. PLLU configuration information (reference clock is osc/clk_m and
+ * PLLU-FOs are fixed at 12MHz/60MHz/480MHz).
+ * (T3x)
+ * Reference frequency MHZ 12.0  13.0 19.2  26.0
+ * ----------------------------------------------------
+ *      DIVN              960   960    200   960
+ *      DIVM               12    13      4    26
+ *      CPCON              12    12      3    12
+ *      LFCON               1     1      0     1
+ *
+ * 2. PLL CONFIGURATION & PARAMETERS for different clock generators:
+ * (T3x)
+ * Reference frequency MHZ 12.0  13.0  19.2  26.0
+ * ----------------------------------------------------
+ * Index                    8     0     4    12
+ * PLLU_ENABLE_DLY_COUNT   02     2     3     4
+ * PLLU_STABLE_COUNT       47    51    75   102
+ * PLL_ACTIVE_DLY_COUNT    08     9    12     9
+ * XTAL_FREQ_COUNT        118   127   188   254
+ *
+ * 3. Debounce values IdDig, Avalid, Bvalid, VbusValid, VbusWakeUp, and
+ * SessEnd. Each of these signals have their own debouncer and for each of
+ * those one out of two debouncing times can be chosen (BIAS_DEBOUNCE_A or
+ *
+ * The values of DEBOUNCE_A and DEBOUNCE_B are calculated as follows:
+ *    0xffff -> No debouncing at all
+ *    <n> ms = <n> * 1000 / (1/19.2MHz) / 4
+ *
+ * So to program a 10 ms debounce for BIAS_DEBOUNCE_A, we have:
+ * BIAS_DEBOUNCE_A[15:0] = 10 * 1000 * 19.2 / 4  = 48000 = 0xBB80
+ *
+ * We need to use only DebounceA for BOOTROM. We don't need the DebounceB
+ * values, so we can keep those to default.
+ *
+ * 4. The 20 microsecond delay after bias cell operation.
+ *
+ * enum {
+ *     PARAM_DIVN,                     // PLL FEEDBACK DIVIDER
+ *     PARAM_DIVM,                     // PLL INPUT DIVIDER
+ *     PARAM_DIVP,                     // POST DIVIDER (2^N)
+ *     PARAM_CPCON,                    // BASE PLLC CHARGE Pump setup ctrl
+ *     PARAM_LFCON,                    // BASE PLLC LOOP FILter setup ctrl
+ *     PARAM_ENABLE_DELAY_COUNT,       // PLL-U Enable Delay Count
+ *     PARAM_STABLE_COUNT,             // PLL-U STABLE count
+ *     PARAM_ACTIVE_DELAY_COUNT,       // PLL-U Active delay count
+ *     PARAM_XTAL_FREQ_COUNT,          // PLL-U XTAL frequency count
+ *     PARAM_BIAS_TIME,                // 20US DELAY After bias cell op
+ *                                     // UTMIP_BIAS_PAD_TRK_COUNT
+ *};
+ */
+       usbparams@0 {
+               compatible = "nvidia,usbparams";
+               osc-frequency = <13000000>;
+               /* DivN, DivM, DivP, CPCON, LFCON, Delays      Debounce, Bias */
+               params = <0x3c0 0x0d 0x00 0xc 1  0x02 0x33 0x09 0x7f  0x7ef4 5>;
+       };
+       usbparams@1 {
+               compatible = "nvidia,usbparams";
+               osc-frequency = <19200000>;
+               params = <0x0c8 0x04 0x00 0x3 0  0x03 0x4b 0x0c 0xbc  0xbb80 7>;
+       };
+       usbparams@2 {
+               compatible = "nvidia,usbparams";
+               osc-frequency = <12000000>;
+               params = <0x3c0 0x0c 0x00 0xc 1  0x02 0x2f 0x08 0x76  0x7530 5>;
+       };
+       usbparams@3 {
+               compatible = "nvidia,usbparams";
+               osc-frequency = <26000000>;
+               params = <0x3c0 0x1a 0x00 0xc 1  0x04 0x66 0x09 0xfe  0xfde8 9>;
+       };
+       usb@7d000000 {
+               compatible = "nvidia,tegra30-ehci";
+               reg = <0x7d000000 0x4000>;
+               interrupts = < 52 >;
+               phy_type = "utmi";
+               clocks = <&tegra_car 22>;       /* PERIPH_ID_USBD */
+               status = "disabled";
+       };
+       usb@7d004000 {
+               compatible = "nvidia,tegra30-ehci";
+               reg = <0x7d004000 0x4000>;
+               interrupts = < 53 >;
+               phy_type = "utmi";
+               clocks = <&tegra_car 58>;       /* PERIPH_ID_USB2 */
+               status = "disabled";
+       };
+       usb@7d008000 {
+               compatible = "nvidia,tegra30-ehci";
+               reg = <0x7d008000 0x4000>;
+               interrupts = < 129 >;
+               phy_type = "utmi";
+               clocks = <&tegra_car 59>;       /* PERIPH_ID_USB3 */
+               status = "disabled";
+       };
diff --git a/board/nvidia/dts/tegra114-dalmore.dts 
index 86e9459..435c01e 100644
--- a/board/nvidia/dts/tegra114-dalmore.dts
+++ b/board/nvidia/dts/tegra114-dalmore.dts
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
                i2c4 = "/i2c@7000c700";
                sdhci0 = "/sdhci@78000600";
                sdhci1 = "/sdhci@78000400";
+               usb0 = "/usb@7d008000";
        memory {
@@ -61,4 +62,10 @@
                bus-width = <8>;
                status = "okay";
+       usb@7d008000 {
+               /* SPDIF_IN: USB_VBUS_EN1 */
+               nvidia,vbus-gpio = <&gpio 86 0>;
+               status = "okay";
+       };
diff --git a/board/nvidia/dts/tegra30-cardhu.dts 
index 4d22b48..071a464 100644
--- a/board/nvidia/dts/tegra30-cardhu.dts
+++ b/board/nvidia/dts/tegra30-cardhu.dts
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
                i2c4 = "/i2c@7000c700";
                sdhci0 = "/sdhci@78000600";
                sdhci1 = "/sdhci@78000000";
+               usb0 = "/usb@7d008000";
        memory {
@@ -63,4 +64,9 @@
                status = "okay";
                bus-width = <8>;
+       usb@7d008000 {
+               nvidia,vbus-gpio = <&gpio 233 3>;       /* PDD1, EN_3V3_PU */
+               status = "okay";
+       };
diff --git a/include/fdtdec.h b/include/fdtdec.h
index 844991e..454c971 100644
--- a/include/fdtdec.h
+++ b/include/fdtdec.h
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ struct fdt_memory {
 enum fdt_compat_id {
        COMPAT_NVIDIA_TEGRA20_USB,      /* Tegra20 USB port */
+       COMPAT_NVIDIA_TEGRA30_USB,      /* Tegra30 USB port */
+       COMPAT_NVIDIA_TEGRA114_USB,     /* Tegra114 USB port */
        COMPAT_NVIDIA_TEGRA114_I2C,     /* Tegra114 I2C w/single clock source */
        COMPAT_NVIDIA_TEGRA20_I2C,      /* Tegra20 i2c */
        COMPAT_NVIDIA_TEGRA20_DVC,      /* Tegra20 dvc (really just i2c) */
diff --git a/lib/fdtdec.c b/lib/fdtdec.c
index 403babd..fc18c4f 100644
--- a/lib/fdtdec.c
+++ b/lib/fdtdec.c
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR;
 static const char * const compat_names[COMPAT_COUNT] = {
        COMPAT(UNKNOWN, "<none>"),
        COMPAT(NVIDIA_TEGRA20_USB, "nvidia,tegra20-ehci"),
+       COMPAT(NVIDIA_TEGRA30_USB, "nvidia,tegra30-ehci"),
+       COMPAT(NVIDIA_TEGRA114_USB, "nvidia,tegra114-ehci"),
        COMPAT(NVIDIA_TEGRA114_I2C, "nvidia,tegra114-i2c"),
        COMPAT(NVIDIA_TEGRA20_I2C, "nvidia,tegra20-i2c"),
        COMPAT(NVIDIA_TEGRA20_DVC, "nvidia,tegra20-i2c-dvc"),

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