On 12:37 Mon 09 Mar     , Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear Jean-Christophe PLAGNIOL-VILLARD,
> In message <20090309111835.gj24...@game.jcrosoft.org> you wrote:
> >
> > > > > Why the #ifdef? Shutting down the console seems a good thing to me.
> > > > when using DCC we will not activate the at91 uart at all so we do not 
> > > > have to
> > > > shut it down
> > > 
> > > The #ifdef above does not seem to depend on DCC at all?
> You did not answer this question.
> > > And what does it hurt if we always shut down the console? To me that
> > > looks clearer than an additional #ifdef.
the UART code is not active or compile so you can't do it.
> So what if we use "DCC multi support"? (whatever this is - or do you
> mean CONFIG_SERIAL_MULTI instead?)
yes the DCC can be optionnaly compile with the CONFIG_SERIAL_MULTI support
but not necessarely
> > We must shutdown the console only if we use it which is not the case when 
> > we use
> > the DCC as principal serial
> You did not answer my question. Even if there is no need to shut it
> down if it was not used - what does it hurt if we do this always?
we can't because the code needed to do it is not even compiled

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