On 12/04/2012 01:22 PM, Tom Warren wrote:
> Stephen,
> On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 5:53 PM, Stephen Warren <swar...@wwwdotorg.org> wrote:
>> On 12/03/2012 04:45 PM, Tom Warren wrote:
>>> This build is stripped down. It boots to the command prompt.
>>> GPIO is the only peripheral supported. Others TBD.
>>> include/configs/tegra-common.h now holds common config options
>>> for Tegra SoCs.
>> In this patch, you also should move MEM_LAYOUT_ENV_SETTINGS from
>> tegra-common-post.h into tegraNN-common.h, or something like that.
> I can do that, or we can wait until those settings are going to be
> used, i.e. once I've added peripheral support so a kernel can be found
> and loaded and executed.

Isn't it just cut/pasting those 5 lines (well, and the comment before
them I guess) and s/0x0/0x8/ in all the lines. It seems pretty easy to
get the right values in from the start.

Without this, it's a PITA to test bootm with this U-Boot (you can
download a kernel over serial with loady for example; something I tested
with earlier revisions of this series).
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