Dear Dmytro and others,

Sorry, I didn't post the output in the previous post, just the commands.
I am going to post the full output below, along with the details of the 
ar71xx.cfg file, and output from openocd also.
The config file originally came from an AR724x processor as well, so it might 
not be correct for an AR71xx.
I would appreciate assistance in identifying the mistakes and correcting them 
if you don't mind please.
Please share with myself and others if you can.

The code that I am attempting to run in the processor, again for the AR724x, is 
It can be found easily on the internet with a google search.  If you have the 
expertise to identify what can be changed to make this compatile with the 
AR71xx, please do.
This code partially runs because upon execution, it turns on an LED on the 
board.  However, it gives no UART output that I can see.

I am still interested in porting U-Boot to this processor as well, and I have 
found bits and pieces of previous work done, but nothing that I can identify as 
MIPS does not seem to be in the main line for U-Boot, but I might be mistaken, 
correct me if I am wrong here.
My experience is limited with MIPS archetecture, but I would be willing to 
assist in a port, and testing on the hardware that I have.

Allan Drassal

output from openocd, (./bin/openocd -f interface/sheevaplug.cfg -f ar71xx.cfg):
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.6.1 (2012-11-23-20:49)
Licensed under GNU GPL v2
For bug reports, read
Info : only one transport option; autoselect 'jtag'
adapter speed: 1000 kHz
adapter_nsrst_delay: 100
jtag_ntrst_delay: 100
trst_and_srst separate srst_gates_jtag trst_push_pull srst_open_drain
Info : clock speed 1000 kHz
Info : JTAG tap: ar71xx.cpu tap/device found: 0x00000001 (mfg: 0x000, part: 
0x0000, ver: 0x0)
Info : accepting 'telnet' connection from 4444
Info : JTAG tap: ar71xx.cpu tap/device found: 0x00000001 (mfg: 0x000, part: 
0x0000, ver: 0x0)
target state: halted
target halted in MIPS32 mode due to debug-request, pc: 0xbfc00380
Info : JTAG tap: ar71xx.cpu tap/device found: 0x00000001 (mfg: 0x000, part: 
0x0000, ver: 0x0)
Warn : target not halted
in procedure 'mww'
Warn : target not halted
in procedure 'mww'
target state: halted
target halted in MIPS32 mode due to debug-request, pc: 0xbfc00380
in procedure 'mww'
target state: halted
target halted in MIPS32 mode due to debug-request, pc: 0xbfc00380
Info : JTAG tap: ar71xx.cpu tap/device found: 0x00000001 (mfg: 0x000, part: 
0x0000, ver: 0x0)
target state: halted
target halted in MIPS32 mode due to debug-request, pc: 0xbfc00000
262144 bytes written at address 0x80000000
downloaded 262144 bytes in 4.165334s (61.460 KiB/s)

output from the telnet session (telnet 4444):
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Open On-Chip Debugger
> reset
JTAG tap: ar71xx.cpu tap/device found: 0x00000001 (mfg: 0x000, part: 0x0000, 
ver: 0x0)
> halt
target state: halted
target halted in MIPS32 mode due to debug-request, pc: 0xbfc00380
> reset
JTAG tap: ar71xx.cpu tap/device found: 0x00000001 (mfg: 0x000, part: 0x0000, 
ver: 0x0)
> mww 0xb8060008 3
target not halted
in procedure 'mww'
> mww 0xb806000c 0x12c
target not halted
in procedure 'mww'
> halt
target state: halted
target halted in MIPS32 mode due to debug-request, pc: 0xbfc00380
> mww 0xb8050000 0x00090828
> mww 0xb8050000 0x00050828
> mww 0xb8050000 0x00040828
> mww 0xb8050008 2
> mww 0xb8050008 3
in procedure 'mww'
> halt
target state: halted
target halted in MIPS32 mode due to debug-request, pc: 0xbfc00380
> reset init
JTAG tap: ar71xx.cpu tap/device found: 0x00000001 (mfg: 0x000, part: 0x0000, 
ver: 0x0)
target state: halted
target halted in MIPS32 mode due to debug-request, pc: 0xbfc00000
> load_image 8Muboot_RAM_version.bin 0x80000000
262144 bytes written at address 0x80000000
downloaded 262144 bytes in 4.165334s (61.460 KiB/s)
> resume 0x80000000

# Atheros AR71xx MIPS 24Kc SoC.
# tested on PB44 refererence board
adapter_nsrst_delay 100
jtag_ntrst_delay 100
reset_config trst_and_srst
set CHIPNAME ar71xx
jtag newtap $CHIPNAME cpu -irlen 5 -ircapture 0x1 -irmask 0x1f -expected-id 1
target create $TARGETNAME mips_m4k -endian big -chain-position $TARGETNAME
$TARGETNAME configure -event reset-halt-post {
        #setup PLL to lowest common denominator 300/300/150 setting
        mww 0xb8050000 0x40140180       ;# reset val + CPU:3 DDR:3 AHB:0
        mww 0xb8050000 0xc0140180       ;# send to PLL
        #next command will reset for PLL changes to take effect
        mww 0xb8050008 3                ;# set reset_switch and clock_switch 
(resets SoC)
$TARGETNAME configure -event reset-init {
        #complete pll initialization
        mww 0xb8050000 0x800f0080       ;# set sw_update bit
        mww 0xb8050008 0                ;# clear reset_switch bit
        mww 0xb8050000 0x800f00e8       ;# clr pwrdwn & bypass
        mww 0xb8050008 1                ;# set clock_switch bit
        sleep 1                         ;# wait for lock
        # Setup DDR config and flash mapping
        mww 0xb8000000 0x77b8884e       ;# DDR cfg cdl val (rst: 0x5bfc8d0)
        mww 0xb8000004 0x812cd6a8       ;# DDR cfg2 cdl val (rst: 0x80d106a8)
        #mww 0xb8000000 0xefbc8cd0       ;# DDR cfg cdl val (rst: 0x5bfc8d0)
        #mww 0xb8000004 0x8e7156a2       ;# DDR cfg2 cdl val (rst: 0x80d106a8)
        mww 0xb8000010 8                ;# force precharge all banks
        mww 0xb8000010 1                ;# force EMRS update cycle
        mww 0xb800000c 0                ;# clr ext. mode register
        mww 0xb8000010 2                ;# force auto refresh all banks
        mww 0xb8000010 8                ;# force precharge all banks
        #mww 0xb8000008 0x31             ;# set DDR mode value CAS=3
        mww 0xb8000008 0x33             ;# set DDR mode value CAS=3
        mww 0xb8000010 1                ;# force EMRS update cycle
        #mww 0xb8000014 0x461b           ;# DDR refresh value
        #mww 0xb8000018 0xffff           ;# DDR Read Data This Cycle value 
(16bit: 0xffff)
        mww 0xb8000014 0x44a6           ;# DDR refresh value
        mww 0xb8000018 0x00ff           ;# DDR Read Data This Cycle value 
(16bit: 0xffff)
        mww 0xb800001c 0x7              ;# delay added to the DQS line (normal 
= 7)
        mww 0xb8000020 7
        mww 0xb8000024 7
        mww 0xb8000028 7
# setup working area somewhere in RAM
$TARGETNAME configure -work-area-phys 0xa0600000 -work-area-size 0x20000
# serial SPI capable flash
# flash bank <driver> <base> <size> <chip_width> <bus_width>

From: Luka Perkov []
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2012 01:21
To: Dmytro
Cc: Drassal, Allan; U-Boot Mailing List
Subject: Re: [U-Boot] U-Boot for MIPS AR7161

Hi Dmytro,

On Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 06:09:21PM +0200, Dmytro wrote:
> But if all you have decided to go to the end, or you need a JTAG
> fundamentally, I can put a patch for RAM_uboot AR724x (AP99 platform),
> so you can make the example of his version of the loader for AR71xx
> (AP96 platform).

Please show us your patch.

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