On Wed, 18 Feb 2009, Wolfgang Denk wrote:

> Dear Jon,
> In message <499c58fa.20...@freescale.com> you wrote:
> > 
> > > Trent - you have  obviously  already  spend  a  lot  of  effort  into
> > > analyzing  this  code - most probably more time than any other of us.
> > > Based on your experience and the effort you already spent I think  it
> > > would be best if you could provided a patch to fix all boards.
> > 
> > Just as a clarification, are you asking Trent to *fix* it
> > for all boards, or to generate a patch that will apply to
> > all boards?
> He. Of course I can only ask to provide patch that, to  the  best  of
> Trent's  experience,  is  supposed  to  fix  the problems. I am aware
> thatthere is a chance that it will not work on some boards, but  then
> it's  up to the board maintainers to complain and to help fixing this
> (rpobabmly small) number of remaining issues.
> > Specifically, I recall Trent's hesitation was he doesn't have
> > access to most boards (not even all PPC boards), and he wasn't
> > even sure it was a problem on some other ARCHes in the first place.
> Good point. But which other options do we have?
> We can:
> 1) apply the patch to a small subset of the boards that are known to
>    be affected (at least all PowerPC boards)
> 2) apply the patch to all boards that are known to be affected (all
>    PowerPC boards)
> 3) apply the patch to all boards that are most probably affected (all
>    boards)
> If we go for 1) or even 2), ther eis a pretty high  chance  that  the
> problem  will  byte  us later, and until somebody remembers that this
> was raised (and  fixed)  before  in  another  architecture,  lots  of
> efforts will be wasted.
> However, if we now apply a patch that breaks a number  of  boards  we
> will quickly learn where the change works and where not.
> In my point of view the risk of a potential damage involved with 3) is
> smaller than the probability for damage and the amount of effort cause
> by 2) and especially by 1).

I would say apply it to all boards (option 3) and see what broke than fix

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