Wolfgang Denk wrote:

> Please don't. I really want to see this fixed for ALL affected boards,
> not only for a small subset so everbody forgets it again and we run
> into it later again and again.
> Trent - you have  obviously  already  spend  a  lot  of  effort  into
> analyzing  this  code - most probably more time than any other of us.
> Based on your experience and the effort you already spent I think  it
> would be best if you could provided a patch to fix all boards.

Just as a clarification, are you asking Trent to *fix* it
for all boards, or to generate a patch that will apply to
all boards?

Specifically, I recall Trent's hesitation was he doesn't have
access to most boards (not even all PPC boards), and he wasn't
even sure it was a problem on some other ARCHes in the first place.

But, if you are asking for an off-the-cuff patch that can be
applied to all boards without testing by Trent, then I am
confident he would be willing to help here.


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