Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear kenneth johansson,
> In message <1230636057.17914.5.ca...@duo> you wrote:
>> Only print out the target name during make.
>> For old style set V=1
> What is the rationale for this patch? I can see no real advantage with
> it.
> If you find the make output annoying, you can silence make by passing
> the "-s" flag.

FWIW, I like the Linux-style non-verbose but not completely silent 
output.  It shows what is being built without too much noise.  It's 
useful for sanity checking that edits got saved, dependencies are 
working, etc.

> But most of all, your patch costs  a  lot  of  additional  processes.
> Running  "make  all"  for  above  configuration  takes 2150 processes
> without your patch, and 2410 with it. And this does  not  even  count
> the additional calls to shell builtins.

Unix scripting is inefficient, news at 11.  What's the actual time 


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