ROQUES Guillaume wrote:
> So as my customer bought a wildcard certificate, it must include a
> private key or do I need to generate one ?

When you order a certificate the private key is generated locally by a
browser plugin, JAVA or ActiveX, it's true private and not even the
certificate issuer knows it.
Where the private key can be found depends on the OS and/or browser
used for the order. The matching private key for that certificate has
to be exported whether it's stored in a file or in the system.
When you export a certificate on windows you are asked whether or not
the private key should be exported as well if any is accociated with
the certificate, but only if is was installed as exportable, otherwise
there's no way to get it out of the system again.

> Actually, the problem comes from me or the customer ?

I don't know? If you don't have the matching private key for that
certificate it's useless.

Arno Garrels
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