Do you ask for how to get a ICS TSslHttpServer working with a bought
server certificate?
Yes, and if I need to convert p7b's certificate or not ?
Open the MyCertificate.pem in a text editor that understands UNIX line
breaks. Does MyCertificate.pem include multiple certificates?
With a bought commercial certificate there should be at least 2 certificates
included in MyCertificate.pem.
Make sure that the order of these certificates is correct.
First has to be the server certificate followed by possible intermediate
certificates followed by the root CA certificate.
That's right, I found 3 certificates : 1 for the domain name *, 1 for GlobalSign Domain Validation CA and 1 for GlobalSign root CA.


Guillaume ROQUES

Le 20:59, Arno Garrels a écrit :
ROQUES Guillaume wrote:
That's confusing description. Did he buy a SSL server certificate in
order to access your server? Or are you talking about client

The customer already have a SSL certificate on his domain, so he want
that my HttpServer use SSL with this certificate.
Do you ask for how to get a ICS TSslHttpServer working with a bought
server certificate?

Please provide more details about how you setup the component to
use your the certificates. What HTTP client application is used?
Here is my initialization :

     TMyService =lass(TService)
         SslHttpServer: TSslHttpServer;
         TWSslAvlSessionCache: TSslAvlSessionCache;
         TWSslContext: TSslContext;


procedure TMyService.ServiceStart(Sender: TService; var Started:
Boolean); begin

     SslCertFile :=Path + 'MyCertificate.pem';
     SslPassPhrase :=';
     SslPrivKeyFile :=Path + 'MyCertificate.pem';
     SslCAFile :=Path + 'MyCertificate.pem';
     SslCAPath :=Path;
     SslVerifyPeer :=alse;

     // Pre-loads OpenSSL DLL's
     DoLog('OpenSslVersion : ' + OpenSslVersion);
     DoLog(OpenSslCompilerFlags + #13#10 + OpenSslBuiltOn
                 + #13#10 + OpenSslPlatForm + #13#10 + OpenSslDir);

Open the MyCertificate.pem in a text editor that understands UNIX line
breaks. Does MyCertificate.pem include multiple certificates?
With a bought commercial certificate there should be at least 2 certificates
included in MyCertificate.pem.
Make sure that the order of these certificates is correct.
First has to be the server certificate followed by possible intermediate
certificates followed by the root CA certificate.

Arno Garrels

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