If I understand what you want to do: have Trojita store your password in
non-plaintext form, Trojita already has support for this. Trojita uses
QtKeychain, which securely stores data in Windows, OS X, and Linux if Gnome
keyring or KWallet is installed.
To enable:
Open the Settings menu
In the General tab look for the Passwords setting.
The drop-down may have three options:
Disable Passwords (Trojita won't store anything and you'll have to type
your password each time you use it.)
Trojita's Settings (stores in plaintext)
Secure Storage via QtKeychain.
If the latter option isn't there, it probably means that your Trojita
wasn't built with support for Qtkeychain. If you're on a Linux distro,
check that gnome keyring/kwallet is installed or to your repo maintainers.
A screenshot of the password storage setting for me: i.imgur.com/SFbWxRT.png
QtKeychain info: github.com/frankosterfield/qtkeychain
On April 28, 2017 9:59:43 AM Rohit Goswami <driger...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, I wanted to switch to Trojita but I need a master password lock like
I have set up in thunderbird.. Ideas?