On Mittwoch, 19. Juni 2013 13:15:46 CEST, Jan Kundrát wrote:
It seems that QtKeychain won't help users of "lightweight" DEs and that there are people out there who really, really like password storage to be available all the time.
Just to reason that: "password" "password1" "12345" "secret" "letmein" "iknowkungfu" (yes, it is on the list) "p455w0rd" (because *no* hacker would *ever* think of 133t...) is nothing you really need to store somewhere. However typing +T5h9LpF70AndSi4kcGzlR2T484aLz28 (autoegnerated 32 bytes from /dev/urandom) everytime you login could *slightly* suck ;-) Cheers, Thomas