On 05/30/2014 02:31 PM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> There are two iso files at my google drive ToriOS folder
> https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B46yhFQuJvfPZzZ6aThReldScWs&usp=sharing
> (should be one line, but is split by the email program)
> with the following md5sums
> eb8ef992fe485828934a447bf815009b  obi_ToriOS-a1-9w.iso
> e1a11686c825bc2e046a1852e763a9ef  ToriOS-i386-20140530.iso
> and sizes and dates
> 498M  2014-05-30      11:27   ToriOS-i386-20140530.iso
> 554M  2014-05-30      19:06   obi_ToriOS-a1-9w.iso
> ToriOS-i386-20140530.iso was created by Jörn's scripts and
> obi_ToriOS-a1-9w.iso was created by my OBI-9w scripts from an installed
> instance (created from ToriOS-i386-20140530.iso). I made them into
> hybrid iso files, that work in CD and DVD but also as cloned into USB
> drives.
> The OBI-9w iso comes with an installed system
> login user: guru
> password: changeme
> This can be changed with the OEM install option later on, so that the
> end user can select user name and password 'as usual'.
> So now we can easily test and compare the installers. Both installers
> work with a lot of RAM and powerful processors, but I suggest that you
> test by limiting RAM either in a virtual machine or in an old computer.
> You can easily limit the available RAM with the boot option mem=xxxM
> instead of messing with the memory cards.
> This is a very early alpha version (or even pre-alpha version of
> ToriOS). It has no cosmetics at all, but can give us a feeling of how
> fast it can be and how well in can cope with different hardware. So you
> can take part in the decisions about the basic concepts of ToriOS. For
> example: It is based on 14.04 LTS. We use the JWM window manager and
> Rox. You can run application programs from xterm.
> xterm -fa default -fs 13
> will give you a large and nice font (much easier to read than the
> default xterm in a high resolution window).
> Happy testing :-D
> Nio
Hi Nio!!
I finally had a chance to test the obi_ToriOS-a1-9w image in virtual box.
The first problem I notice is the lack of the package 'menu' being
This is the first 'major' issue.
The second is, that I disabled PAE in the Virtual Box settings, and I
couldn't boot into ToriOS.  Once I enabled it, I was able to boot.
I have to get my internet working inside it to test more, but I don't
have anymore time quite yet.

I will make a second image of the regular installer.  I like the Live
Mode!!  It will be really nice to use the full ToriOS setup in that
livemode eventually!
Your work is superb!!

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