2014-05-30 15:14, Jörn Schönyan skrev:
> Am Freitag, 30. Mai 2014, 14:14:54 schrieb Nio Wiklund:
>> Hi Jörn,
>> I was able to make a working ToriOS iso file according to your scripts
>> and instructions. They were complete :-)
> Really good!
>> Waiting for network configuration (at the Ubuntu Plymouth screen)
>> Booting without full network configuration (after 2 minutes)
> Could be related with replacing network-manager with wicd.
>> JWM desktop with black background and panel at the bottom
> Correct, because no autostart is enabled (for example, rox -p=Desktop should 
> be in the autostart, but that needs to be configured in JWM.
>> uname -r shows that it runs the kernel (which is
>> a pae kernel).
> Yes, normal Ubuntu kernel. We can easily deploy Phill's nonpae Kernel 
> instead, 
> though.
> Jörn

Hi everybody,

There are two iso files at my google drive ToriOS folder


(should be one line, but is split by the email program)

with the following md5sums

eb8ef992fe485828934a447bf815009b  obi_ToriOS-a1-9w.iso
e1a11686c825bc2e046a1852e763a9ef  ToriOS-i386-20140530.iso

and sizes and dates

498M    2014-05-30      11:27   ToriOS-i386-20140530.iso
554M    2014-05-30      19:06   obi_ToriOS-a1-9w.iso

ToriOS-i386-20140530.iso was created by Jörn's scripts and
obi_ToriOS-a1-9w.iso was created by my OBI-9w scripts from an installed
instance (created from ToriOS-i386-20140530.iso). I made them into
hybrid iso files, that work in CD and DVD but also as cloned into USB

The OBI-9w iso comes with an installed system

login user: guru
password: changeme

This can be changed with the OEM install option later on, so that the
end user can select user name and password 'as usual'.

So now we can easily test and compare the installers. Both installers
work with a lot of RAM and powerful processors, but I suggest that you
test by limiting RAM either in a virtual machine or in an old computer.
You can easily limit the available RAM with the boot option mem=xxxM
instead of messing with the memory cards.

This is a very early alpha version (or even pre-alpha version of
ToriOS). It has no cosmetics at all, but can give us a feeling of how
fast it can be and how well in can cope with different hardware. So you
can take part in the decisions about the basic concepts of ToriOS. For
example: It is based on 14.04 LTS. We use the JWM window manager and
Rox. You can run application programs from xterm.

xterm -fa default -fs 13

will give you a large and nice font (much easier to read than the
default xterm in a high resolution window).

Happy testing :-D


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