On Mittwoch, 21. Februar 2024 18:08:32 CET Bartosz Zieba wrote:
> > Don't know what FDE is, but at Frantech/BuyVM you can install everything
> > because you can upload your own ISO.
> FDE means Full Disk Encryption.
> Remember, running FDE in virtual environment we give access to
> encryption keys to admin of the host machine :)

Any admin can make a full backup of a 24/7/365 running KVM or cloud machine.
Regardless of whether it is encrypted or not. ;-)

Also with dedicated servers or in colocation:
Encrypting a Tor relay hd, especially exits, is NOT recommended!
In the event of a seizure, it could take months or years to get your server 

We don't host files, we don't have logs. A Tor relay is a dumb router that 
encrypted traffic. Other than the master identity key's, there is nothing
interesting on a Tor relay. Therefore, use offline relay identity keys:

╰_╯ Ciao Marco!

Debian GNU/Linux

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