On Mittwoch, 7. August 2024 14:30:27 CEST George Hartley via tor-relays wrote:
> This is already impossible, as both circuit and concurrent connection DoS
> both gets detected and the IP in question flagged and blacklisted.

DoS has been a topic of conversation at nearly all relay meetings for over 2 
years. Enkidu and Toralf have developed Tor-ddos IPtables rules for the 
community. Article10 specifically for Tor exits and trinity has developed the 

Roger, Mike, Nick and Perry certainly wouldn't have let Trinity develop the 
feature if the current DoS mitigations in Tor had helped.

> Please see the manual on this:
> https://2019.www.torproject.org/docs/tor-manual.html.en#DoSCircuitCreationEn
> abled

This is a client to relay detection only. "auto" means use the consensus 
parameter. (Default: auto)
It _is_ defined in the consensus:

> > Example: 500K connections from IP
These are numbers from reality and not fantasy.
AFAIK, Article10 and relayon already had 1,000,000 connections per IP!

╰_╯ Ciao Marco!

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