On Dienstag, 30. Juli 2024 18:34:44 CEST George Hartley via tor-relays wrote:
> I would definitely want to be able to change my exit policy by just sending
> a simple "kill -SIGHUP $pid".
> So yeah, consider myself interested in this functionality.
> But, don't we already have that implemented?
> I remember changing my exit policy then doing "systemctl reload tor" and
> after a few hours, Metrics showed that SSH was now also rejected.

It's not about changing the exit policy via reload. Yes, that's always been 

It's about killing _existing_ connections that are currently DOSing us.

Example: 500K connections from IP
You create the reject policy,
ExitPolicy reject*
do a reload and the _existing_ connections are terminated.

In order for this to work you have to use the new config option:
ReevaluateExitPolicy 1   # (Default 0)

And of course a version of Tor in which trinity's commit was merged ;-)

╰_╯ Ciao Marco!

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