to be clear about what this feature does: it was already possible to
add more rules, and these rules would apply to new connections made
from your exit, but it would *not* kill existing connections which
violate the new policy.
`ReevaluateExitPolicy` allows reevaluating the new exit policy on
existing connections, killing any connection that would no longer be
allowed. This was previously possible only by restarting the relay,
killing every good connection in the process.
This feature has been available in 0.4.9 for some time now, but that
version is not considered stable yet.
If as an exit relay operator you are running 0.4.8 and regularly
restart your relay to force-apply a new exit policy on old
connections, or have wished you could do that, but didn't because of
the large side effects, please make it known either by replying in
this thread, or by thumbs-up-ing boldsuck's comment on .


On Wed, 24 Jul 2024 at 16:11, boldsuck <> wrote:
> Hi to all dear exit operators,
> If you are interested in applying the exit policy on reload and not by
> restarting tor please note:
> Quote David:
> "Can you give us a sense of how many exit operators use this? If there is a
> large enough need for this, we can evaluate this for next release but it needs
> to be for more than 1 operator for such feature."
> Related Issue:
> --
> ╰_╯ Ciao Marco!
> Debian GNU/Linux
> It's free software and it gives you 
> freedom!_______________________________________________
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